


Any suggestions on how to do browser caching within a asp.net application. I've found some different methods online but wasn't sure what would be the best. Specifically, I would like to cache my CSS and JS files. They do change, however, it is usually once a month at the most.



Another technique is to stores you static images, css and js on another server (such as a CDN) which has the Expires header set properly. The advantage of this is two-fold:

  1. Expires头将鼓励浏览器和代理缓存这些静态文件

  2. 的CDN将您的服务器提供静态文件卸载。

  3. 将使用其他域名的静态内容,浏览器会下载速度更快。这是因为从四五个不同的主机名服务资源

  4. 如果CDN的配置正确,并使用<一个href=\"http://$c$c.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/request.html#ServeFromCookielessDomain\">cookieless域那么你没有不必要的饼干来回。

  1. The expires header will encourage browsers and proxies to cache these static files
  2. The CDN will offload from your server serving up static files.
  3. By using another domain name for your static content, browsers will download faster. This is because serving resources from four or five different hostnames increases parallelization of downloads.
  4. If the CDN is configured properly and uses cookieless domain then you don't have unnecessary cookies going back and forth.


07-22 08:54