本文介绍了的iPhone / Windows Mobile的开发平台的长期潜力的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



It seems that Apple has so far gone the furthest of any mobile platform in creating a good all-around developer ecosystem (SDK, app distribution, monetization, etc). However, reading the comments from previous SO questions on mobile development (e.g. this and this), certain criticisms seem to pop up, such as the following:

  • 的Objective-C,但一个不错的语言,是不是真的使用苹果产品之外。
  • 在开发环境和工具不匹配微软的观光和Visual Studio和.NET。

所以,我想知道苹果的生态系统在较长时期(即2-4岁)的可行性。如果Windows Mobile 7的手机(预计将公布在一年左右)获得市场份额,将iPhone的开发环境,能够与.NET + Visual Studio的竞争(加上任何应用程序商店型分配机制微软隆重推出)?从我读过关于iPhone的发展来看,我得到的IM pression,我们可能会看到开发人员逐渐流失到Windows Mobile,因为大多数的意志preFER发展与工具,微软的套件。

So, I am wondering about the viability of Apple's ecosystem in the longer term (i.e. 2-4 years). If Windows Mobile 7 phones (projected to be released in a year or so) gain market share, will the iPhone development environment be able to compete with .NET + Visual Studio (plus whatever "App Store"-type distribution mechanism Microsoft comes out with)? Judging from what I have read about iPhone development, I get the impression that we might see gradual attrition of developers to Windows Mobile since most will prefer to develop with Microsoft's suite of tools.

有关谁与其中任一平台经验的开发,什么是关于这一主题的即时通讯pressions?请问iPhone平台具有长期可行性(与Windows Mobile的)的推移有更多的市场份额超越其最初的优势在哪里?

For developers who have experience with either of these platforms, what are your impressions on this topic? Does the iPhone platform have long-term viability (versus Windows Mobile) that goes beyond its initial advantage of having more market share?


编辑:关于App Store的优势公平点。不过,我很好奇这两个平台的长期发展潜力,这似乎只是一个时间问题之前,微软隆重推出自己的应用程序商店(如SkyMarket),使安装容易,因为它是在iPhone上。 (虽然iPhone的应用程序商店可能prevail,因为它第一位的。)

fair points about the advantages of the App Store. But I'm curious about long-term potential of the two platforms, and it seems only a matter of time before Microsoft comes out with its own app store (e.g. SkyMarket) that makes installation as easy as it is on the iPhone. (Though the iPhone's app store might prevail because it came first.)


我不认为的Windows Mobile是iPhone的竞争。据我所知,有四个平台的开发人员应该现在考虑消费者为导向的应用:

I don't think Windows Mobile is the iPhone's competition. As far as I can tell, there are four platforms developers should consider for consumer-oriented applications right now:

  • iPhone
  • 黑莓(新 App Store中
  • 的Palm Pre(这将让一个应用程序商店)
  • 的Andr​​oid(这将让一个应用程序商店付费应用)
  • iPhone
  • Blackberry (with the new App Store)
  • Palm Pré (which will get an App Store)
  • Android (which will get an App Store for paid apps)

一切是一个非实体。 Symbian和Windows Mobile可能成为相关了,但截至今日,他们不是。有没有健康的软件市场上的这些设备,这是我不清楚谁决定购买Windows Mobile手机的人有很大一部分是否更在乎的第三方软件。

Everything else is a non-entity. Symbian and Windows Mobile may become relevant again, but as of today, they are not. There's no healthy market for software on these devices, and it's unclear to me whether a large part of the people who decide to buy Windows Mobile phones even care about third-party software.


As for the tools and languages, the differences are insignificant. It's just not an issue. Developers won't abandon a market like the iPhone's simply because they don't like the tools or the language.

更重要的是,X code是绰绰有余好(有些preFER到Visual Studio中 - 当然,我想起来了某些方面比他们的Visual Studio中的同行更好),如果你知道的Java,C ++或C#中,你会学到一个星期内的Objective-C最多。它基本上是两个或三个新的概念,一个稍微不同的语法和引用计数。如果你已经知道了一些面向对象的语言,学习Objective-C是一个不是问题的问题,如果你不这样做,这是一个很好的借口,拿起了一些新的思想和观念。

What's more, Xcode is more than good enough (some prefer it to Visual Studio - I certainly think certain aspects of it are better than their Visual Studio counterparts), and if you know Java, C++ or C#, you'll learn Objective-C within a week at most. It's basically two or three new concepts, a slightly different syntax and reference counting. If you already know a few object-oriented languages, learning Objective-C is a non-issue, and if you don't, it's a good excuse to pick up some new ideas and concepts.


The real difference is in the libraries, and I personally vastly prefer Cocoa to the .Net libraries, which often require you to call through to pre-.Net APIs.

也许四年,一切都会不同。也许是诺基亚的Symbian固定好,并接管了智能手机市场。谁知道?你得凑合一下我们今天有: - )

Perhaps in four years, everything will be different. Perhaps Nokia fixes Symbian for good and takes over the smartphone market. Who knows? You've got to make do with what we have today :-)


  • 在此之前的Windows Mobile真正开始是为第三方应用程序一个可行的平台,忽略它
  • 相反,看一下前,iPhone手机在黑莓和Android手机
  • Objective-C的仅仅是一种编程语言。这是毫无意义的,甚至去想太多。任何程序员都可以在一个星期内学会它
  • X code也有其弱点,但它也有它的优势,它比Visual Studio的不是真的差
  • 在可可大
  • 在四年的时间很长,没有人知道届时将发生什么
  • Until Windows Mobile actually starts being a viable platform for third-party apps, ignore it
  • Instead, look at the Pré, the iPhone, at Blackberries and at Android Phones
  • Objective-C is just a programming language. It's pointless to even think about it too much. Any programmer can learn it within a week
  • Xcode has its weaknesses, but it also has its strong points and isn't really worse than Visual Studio
  • Cocoa is great
  • Four years is a long time, and nobody knows what will happen by then

编程iPhone是一吨的乐趣,你会学到很多新的东西,如果你从来.NET世界之外冒险。只要拿起一本好书,预留一个周末,设置一个小目标(如一个小游戏,或待办事项应用程序,或者类似的东西),并获得编码。即使你不喜欢X code,即使你最终没有写任何的iPhone应用程序,你会出来一个更好的程序员。

Programming for the iPhone is a ton of fun, and you'll learn a lot of new things if you've never ventured outside the .Net world. Just pick up a good book, set aside a weekend, set a small goal (such as a small game, or a todo app, or something like that) and get coding. Even if you don't like Xcode, even if you end up not writing any iPhone apps, you'll come out a better programmer.

如果塞班的确实的胜利,学写code为iPhone的经验,至少会教你如何站起来,在新的平台上运行: - )

And if Symbian does win, the experience of learning to write code for the iPhone will at least have taught you how to get up and running on a new platform :-)

这篇关于的iPhone / Windows Mobile的开发平台的长期潜力的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 02:06