

我正在阅读Herbert Schilds关于java中的泛型类型擦除。假设在一个类上运行javap应该给我关于在类型擦除之后的公共,包保护和保护字段和方法的字节码信息。然而,我写了下面的类:

  class Ambiguity< T,V extends String> {
T ob1;
V ob2;

void set(T o){
ob1 = o;

void set(V o){
ob2 = o;



 类歧义< T,V extends java.lang.String> {
T ob1;
V ob2;
void set(T);
void set(V);

根据我读的内容,我期待这样的输出。 / p>

类歧义< java.lang.Object,java.lang.String> {
java.lang.Object ob1;
java.lang.String ob2;
void set(java.lang.Object);
void set(java.lang.String);



如果我从JDK 1.6运行javap,我会得到我期望的结果。如果我从最初使用的JDK 1.7 b30运行javap,我会得到带有通用信息的结果。


编译时间 - 在生成的字节码中,类会保留所有的通用类型信息。你看到的正是你所期望的。

不同之处在于类型在运行时处被擦除:例如,类的实例 不会知道它的类型参数是 Integer 字符串

I am reading Herbert Schilds about type erasure in generics in java. Supposedly running javap on a class should give me the bytecode information about public, package protected and protected fields and methods after type erasure. However, I wrote the following class:

    class Ambiguity<T, V extends String>{
    T ob1;
    V ob2;

    void set(T o){
        ob1 = o;

    void set(V o){
        ob2 = o;

and ran javap on the class file that was generated and got the following output

Compiled from "Test.java"

class Ambiguity<T, V extends java.lang.String> {
  T ob1;
  V ob2;
  void set(T);
  void set(V);

I was expecting an output that looked like this based on what I read.

Compiled from "Test.java"
class Ambiguity<java.lang.Object, java.lang.String> {
  java.lang.Object ob1;
  java.lang.String ob2;
  void set(java.lang.Object);
  void set(java.lang.String);

Am I missing something here? I should add that I understand that it is not a good practice to overload methods in the above manner. I was just seeing interested in seeing the results of javap under this ambiguity.

EDIT: This seems to be a result of a new fix in javap.http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4870651

If I run javap from JDK 1.6 I get the results as I was expecting. If I run javap from JDK 1.7 b30 which was what I was using initially, I get the result with the generic information.


At compile time -- in the generated bytecode -- classes will, yes, retain all of their generic type information. What you've seen is exactly what you should expect.

The difference is that types are erased at runtime: for example, an instance of the class Ambiguity<Integer, String> will not know that its type arguments are Integer and String respectively.


06-07 10:28