

在Java中测试 String 的相等性时,我总是使用 equals()因为对我这个似乎是最自然的方法。毕竟,它的名字已经说明了它的目的。然而,我最近告诉我的一位同事被教导使用 compareTo()== 0 而不是 equals()。这感觉不自然(因为 compareTo()意味着提供排序而不是比较相等)甚至有些危险(因为 compareTo()== 0 并不一定意味着在所有情况下都是平等的,即使我知道它对我来说也是 String '。

When testing for equality of String's in Java I have always used equals() because to me this seems to be the most natural method for it. After all, its name already says what it is intended to do. However, a colleague of mine recently told me had been taught to use compareTo() == 0 instead of equals(). This feels unnatural (as compareTo() is meant to provide an ordering and not compare for equality) and even somewhat dangerous (because compareTo() == 0 does not necessarily imply equality in all cases, even though I know it does for String's) to me.

他不知道为什么他被教导使用 compareTo()而不是 equals() for String ,我也找不到任何理由。这真的是个人品味的问题,还是有任何方法的真正原因?

He did not know why he was taught to use compareTo() instead of equals() for String's, and I could also not find any reason why. Is this really a matter of personal taste, or is there any real reason for either method?


区别在于foo.equals((String)null)返回false,而foo.compareTo((String)null)== 0 抛出NullPointerException。因此,即使对于Strings,它们也不总是可以互换的。

A difference is that "foo".equals((String)null) returns false while "foo".compareTo((String)null) == 0 throws a NullPointerException. So they are not always interchangeable even for Strings.


09-12 10:55