


I've been trying to figure out how the CompareTo() method works internally and I failed. I've searched this site and read some posts, and I think I've seen all there is to see in MSDN about this subject and I just don't seem to get it. An MSDN example:

public int CompareTo(object obj)
    if (obj == null)
        return 1;

    Temperature otherTemperature = obj as Temperature;
    if (otherTemperature != null)
        return this.temperatureC.CompareTo(otherTemperature.temperatureC);
        throw new ArgumentException("the object is not a temperature");


This is the MSDN example of the implementation of the CompareTo() method. I understand this, I understand how the IComparable interface works, if I understood correctly this gets called when I use the ArrayList.Sort() method.

我不明白的是:程序什么时候传递CompareTo(object obj)方法的参数?换而言之,Sort()方法如何工作?我的意思是,这段代码正在将一个温度实例与另一个温度实例进行比较,但是程序何时或如何获取第二个温度实例以进行比较?我希望我的问题有道理.

What I don't understand is: when does the program pass the argument for the CompareTo(object obj) method? Or in other words, how does the Sort() method work? I mean, this code is comparing the instance of a temperature with another instance of temperature, but when or how is the program getting the second temperature instance for the comparison to take place? I hope my question makes sense.


I've tried printing to the screen the CompareTo() process so maybe I could reverse-engineer the output but I confused myself even more.


EDIT:Maybe if I go step by step I can explain myself better. Suppose I have 3 temperatures objects: 34, 45, 21 in an ArrayList. When I call ArrayList.Sort(), is the CompareTo() method called like 34.CompareTo(45)? And then 45.CompareTo(21)? The returned integers would be 1 in the first comparison and -1 in the second? And how did those integers get returned if I only defined the CompareTo() method to return 1 only if the obj (the parameter) was null? I didn't define anything to return -1 or 0. It's as if I was implementing a method that's already been implemented. Defining a CompareTo() method when it's already defined to return -1, 0 and 1.



Let's start with the basic idea.


This question and its answer are modeled by the CompareTo method in the IComparable<T> and IComparable interfaces. For A.CompareTo(B), the method can return:

  • A大于 B:的整数值.
  • A小于 B:小于0的整数值.
  • A等于 B:一个等于0的整数.
  • A is greater than B: an integer value greater than 0.
  • A is less than B: an integer value less than 0.
  • A is equal to B: an integer value equal to 0.


And of course, IComparable is not limited to integers. You can implement IComparable to compare any two objects that you think should be comparable. For example, strings:


The answer depends on your definition of greater than, less than and equal to. For strings the usual order is that a word that would occur later in the dictionary is greater than a word that occurs earlier.


Okay, now you know how you can compare any two objects. This is useful for many algorithms, but mostly sorting and ordering algorithms. Take for example a very simple sorting algorithm: stupid sort. The idea is:


You see, to get sorted there must be a way to determine which of the two elements is the greater one. That's where IComparable<T> comes into play.

public static void StupidSort<T>(T[] array)
            where T : IComparable<T>
    int index = 0;
    while (index < array.Length)
        if (index == 0 ||
            array[index - 1].CompareTo(array[index]) <= 0)
            Swap(array, index - 1, index);


您当然可以编程CompareTo以返回您想要的任何内容.但是,如果您搞砸了,那么您的方法将不再回答问题 thisobj是什么?始终返回1表示对于任何A和B,A始终大于B就像说:20大于10 大于20.这没有意义,结果是您进行的任何排序也将毫无意义.垃圾进...垃圾出.

What happens when CompareTo would always return 1?

You can of course program CompareTo to return anything you want. But if you screw up, then your method no longer answers the question what is this to obj? Always returning a 1 would mean that for any A and B, A is always greater than B. That's like saying: 20 is greater than 10 and 10 is greater than 20. It does not make sense, and the result is that any sorting you do will also not make any sense. Garbage in... garbage out.


The rules of the game are, for three given objects A, B and C:

  • A.CompareTo(A)必须返回0( A等于A ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回0,则B.CompareTo(A)返回0(如果A等于B,则B等于A ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回0,并且B.CompareTo(C)返回0,则A.CompareTo(C)返回0(如果A等于B,并且B等于C,则A等于C ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回的值大于0,则B.CompareTo(A)返回的值小于0(如果A大于B,则B小于A ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回的值小于0,则B.CompareTo(A)返回的值大于0(如果A小于B,则B大于A ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回的值大于0,并且B.CompareTo(C)返回的值大于0,则A.CompareTo(C)返回的值大于0(如果A大于B,并且B大于大于C,则A大于C ).
  • 如果A.CompareTo(B)返回的值小于0,并且B.CompareTo(C)返回的值小于0,则A.CompareTo(C)返回的值小于0(如果A小于B,而B小于大于C,则A小于C ).
  • null总是小于任何非null对象.
  • A.CompareTo(A) must return 0 (A is equal to A).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns 0, then B.CompareTo(A) returns 0 (If A is equal to B, then B is equal to A).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns 0, and B.CompareTo(C) returns 0, then A.CompareTo(C) returns 0 (If A is equal to B, and B is equal to C, then A is equal to C).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns a value greater than 0, then B.CompareTo(A) returns a value less than 0 (If A is greater than B, then B is less than A).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns a value less than 0, then B.CompareTo(A) returns a value greater than 0 (If A is less than B, then B is greater than A).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns a value greater than 0, and B.CompareTo(C) returns a value greater than 0, then A.CompareTo(C) returns a value greater than 0 (If A is greater than B, and B is greater than C, then A is greater than C).
  • If A.CompareTo(B) returns a value less than 0, and B.CompareTo(C) returns a value less than 0, then A.CompareTo(C) returns a value less than 0 (If A is less than B, and B is less than C, then A is less than C).
  • null is always less than any non-null object.


If your implementation doesn't adhere to these (simple and logical) principles, then sorting algorithms can literally do anything, and probably don't give the results you expect.


10-10 05:11