


I have an asynchronous function that processes requests from a list, but when each request is done, it's not ordered like before declared (since it's async). How can I fetch asynchronously but retain the original ordering?

这是小提琴 http://jsbin.com/papunixume/edit?html,js,控制台

// clear console every single run

// create promise
const cp = (msg, timeout) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, timeout)

const a = cp('a', 1000)
const b = cp('b', 500)
const c = cp('c', 800)

Rx.Observable.of([a, b, c]).subscribe(val => {
  val.map(res => {
    res.then(x => console.log(x))






这实际上取决于您与Promises合作的方式和方式.您现在拥有的资源根本不需要RxJS,因为您只需要创建一个Promises数组,然后在每个Promises上调用 then().

This really depends on what and how you need to work with the Promises. What you have now doesn't need RxJS at all because you're just creating an array of Promises and then calling then() on each of them.

如果您想以更多的"RxJS方式"进行操作,则可以在Promises到达时收集结果,同时使用 concatMap()运算符保持相同的顺序:

If you want to do in more "RxJS way" you can collect results from the Promises as they arrive while maintaining the same order with the concatMap() operator:

Rx.Observable.from([a, b, c])
  .concatMap(promise => promise)
  .subscribe(val => console.log(val));

魔术发生在 concatMap()内部,因为它可以识别Promise类的实例并以特殊方式处理它们(将它们与 then()链接并重新发出它们)结果).

The magic happens inside concatMap() because it recognizes an instance of a Promise class and handles them in a special way (chains them with then() and reemits theirs result).

请参阅演示: http://jsbin.com/gobayoy/4/edit?js控制台

或者您可以等到所有Promise都完成后,再使用 forkJoin()将它们的所有结果作为单个数组发出:

Or you can wait until all of the Promises complete and then emit all their results as a single array with forkJoin():

Rx.Observable.forkJoin(a, b, c)
  .subscribe(val => console.log(val));

请参阅演示: http://jsbin.com/zojuya/2/edit?js控制台

同样,RxJS自动处理Promise,因此 forkJoin()可以等待所有Promise完成,而无需担心.

Again, RxJS handles Promises automatically so forkJoin() is able to wait for all Promises to finish without you worrying about it.


10-21 12:21