本文介绍了Kohana 3命令行输出缓冲?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Kohana 3,并且我有一个扩展Kohana_Controller的控制器.我使用以下命令从命令行调用它:

I am using Kohana 3 and I have a controller that extends Kohana_Controller. I call it from the command line using:

php /path/to//index.php --uri="url/path"


It works just fine, but this particular script takes a long time and during the execution I am echoing status messages (echo 'status message';) but none of the messages appear until after the script has completed executing.


I want to see the status messages as they are echoed, can anyone tell me how to do it?



它看起来像Kohana :: init()(可能在bootsrap中被调用)调用ob_start().这意味着该点之后的所有输出都包含在输出缓冲区中.要停止此操作,请在Controller的before方法中添加ob_end_flush()以输出可能已经输出的所有内容,并关闭输出缓冲.之后发出的任何回声都应立即输出.

It looks like Kohana::init() (likely called in your bootsrap) calls an ob_start(). This means that everything output after that point is contained in the output buffer. To stop this, in your before method in your Controller add ob_end_flush() to output anything that may have already been output and turn off output buffering. Any echo's you make after that should be output immediately.


  Controller_CLI extends Controller {
       public function before() {
              // empty the output buffre

              // call parent before() just incase there's anything
              // in the parent before that you need/want to execute

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09-05 19:41