


I'm trying to use mysql as my database, but I can't figure out how to get my config/adapters.js to use mysql information in config/local.js to connect. What's the correct way to store the connection information so that sails-mysql can connect?


config/local.js 合并在所有其他配置之上.因此,您只需在其中放置自己的adapters键:

config/local.js is merged on top of all other configuration. So you can just put your own adapters key in there:

    adapters: {
        default: 'myLocalAdapter',
        myLocalAdapter: {
            module: 'sails-mysql',
            host: 'localhost',
            user: 'root',
            password: 'password',
            database: 'database'


and it'll be picked up and used by Sails.

编辑在Sails v0.10.x中,使用键connections而不是adapters,因为这两个现在已经区分了,并且连接现在保存了身份验证信息.最初的答案是对于早期版本的Sails.

EDIT In sails v0.10.x, use the key connections instead of adapters as the two are now differentiated and connections now hold authentication info. The original answer was for an earlier version of sails.


10-24 13:46