



I need help with finding my aggregate root and boundary.


I have 3 Entities: Plan, PlannedRole and PlannedTraining. Each Plan can include many PlannedRoles and PlannedTrainings.


Solution 1: At first I thought Plan is the aggregate root because PlannedRole and PlannedTraining do not make sense out of the context of a Plan. They are always within a plan. Also, we have a business rule that says each Plan can have a maximum of 3 PlannedRoles and 5 PlannedTrainings. So I thought by nominating the Plan as the aggregate root, I can enforce this invariant.


However, we have a Search page where the user searches for Plans. The results shows a few properties of the Plan itself (and none of its PlannedRoles or PlannedTrainings). I thought if I have to load the entire aggregate, it would have a lot of overhead. There are nearly 3000 plans and each may have a few children. Loading all these objects together and then ignoring PlannedRoles and PlannedTrainings in the search page doesn't make sense to me.


Solution 2: I just realized the user wants 2 more search pages where they can search for Planned Roles or Planned Trainings. That made me realize they are trying to access these objects independently and "out of" the context of Plan. So I thought I was wrong about my initial design and that is how I came up with this solution. So, I thought to have 3 aggregates here, 1 for each Entity.


This approach enables me to search for each Entity independently and also resolves the performance issue in solution 1. However, using this approach I cannot enforce the invariant I mentioned earlier.


There is also another invariant that states a Plan can be changed only if it is of a certain status. So, I shouldn't be able to add any PlannedRoles or PlannedTrainings to a Plan that is not in that status. Again, I can't enforce this invariant with the second approach.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





I was having similar problems with this when designing my model and asked this question which I think might help you, especially regarding your first point.

在搜索时,我不使用模型,而是使用专门的搜索存储库,这些存储库返回摘要对象...即 PlanSummary 。这些不过是信息对象(可以认为更像是报告),并且在事务意义上没有使用-我什至没有在模型类库中定义它们。通过创建这些专用存储库和类型,我可以实现高性能的搜索查询,这些查询可以包含分组的数据(例如PlannedTraining计数),而无需在内存中加载聚合的所有关联。一旦用户在UI中选择了这些摘要对象之一,我便可以使用ID来获取实际的模型对象并执行事务操作并提交更改。

When it comes to searching I don't work with the 'model', instead I have specialised search repositories that return 'Summary' objects... i.e. 'PlanSummary'. These are nothing more than information objects (could be thought of more like reporting) and are not used in a transactional sense - I don't even define them in my model class library. By creating these dedicated repositories and types I can implement high performing search queries that can contain grouped data (such as a PlannedTraining count) without loading all of the associations of the aggregate in memory. Once a user selects one of these summary objects in the UI, I can then use the ID to fetch the actual model object and perform transactional operations and commit changes.


So for your situation I would provide these specialised search repositories for all three entities, and when a user wishes to perform and action against one, you always fetch the Plan aggregate that it belongs to.


This way you have the performant searches whilst still maintaining your single aggregate with the required invariants.


好的,所以我认为实施是主观的,但这就是我在应用程序中以 TeamMember聚合为例进行处理的方式。用C#编写的示例。我有两个类库:

OK, so I guess implementation is subjective, but this is how I have handled it in my application, using a 'TeamMember' aggregate as an example. Example written in C#. I have two class libraries:

  • 模型

  • 报告


The Model library contains the aggregate class, with all invariants enforced, and the Reporting library contains this simple class:

public class TeamMemberSummary
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string Surname { get; set; }

    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

    public bool IsAvailable { get; set; }

    public string MainProductExpertise { get; set; }

    public int ExperienceRating { get; set; }


The Reporting library also contains the following interface:

public interface ITeamMemberSummaryRepository : IReportRepository<TeamMemberSummary>


这是应用程序的界面层(在我的情况下恰好是WCF服务)将消耗并通过我的IoC容器(Unity)解析实现。 IReportRepository和基础ReportRepositoryBase都位于Infrastructure.Interface库中。因此,我的系统中有两种不同类型的存储库-聚合存储库和报告存储库...

This is the interface that the application layer (which in my case happens to be WCF services) will consume and will resolve the implementation via my IoC container (Unity). The IReportRepository lives in an Infrastructure.Interface library, as does a base ReportRepositoryBase. So I have two different types of repository in my system - Aggregate repositories, and reporting repositories...


Then in another library, Repositories.Sql, I have the implementation:

public class TeamMemberSummaryRepository : ITeamMemberSummaryRepository
    public IList<TeamMemberSummary> FindAll<TCriteria>(TCriteria criteria) where TCriteria : ICriteria
        //Write SQL code here

        return new List<TeamMemberSummary>();

    public void Initialise()



So then, in my application layer:

    public IList<TeamMemberSummary> FindTeamMembers(TeamMemberCriteria criteria)
        ITeamMemberSummaryRepository repository
            = RepositoryFactory.GetRepository<ITeamMemberSummaryRepository>();

        return repository.FindAll(criteria);



Then in the client, the user can select one of these objects, and perform an action against one in the application layer, for example:

    public void ChangeTeamMembersExperienceRating(Guid teamMemberID, int newExperienceRating)
        ITeamMemberRepository repository
            = RepositoryFactory.GetRepository<ITeamMemberRepository>();

        using(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
            TeamMember teamMember = repository.GetByID(teamMemberID);




08-04 16:30