最近,我正在阅读 JSR-133食谱关于Doug Lea的 JSR 133的编译器作家 :JavaTM内存模型和线程规范修订版 .
Recently I was reading the page The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers by Doug Lea regarding JSR 133: JavaTM Memory Model and Thread Specification Revision.
There I read this line:
I've searched to find some resources about the differences between memory barriers and synchronized barriers but could not find anything good. I also can't tell if synchronized barriers have any difference in comparison of Java with other languages.
First of all, as @markspace points out, the document you are looking at is not intended to as a document for Java programmers trying to understand how to write threaded code correctly.
So if you are reading it for that purpose, you are likely to confuse yourself unnecessarily. You should instead be either using Java's higher level concurrency mechanisms (best!), or reading and understanding the JMM spec.
The synchronization barrier (not a "synchronized barrier") is (I believe) referring to terminology the Java Memory Model.
JLS 17.4.4定义了各种动作之间的同步-关系.这种关系意味着两个线程之间的同步:
JLS 17.4.4 defines a synchronizes-with relation between various actions. This relation implies a synchronization between two threads:
对此我不确定(因为Cookbook文档没有详细说明),但是我认为是同步障碍".Cookbook中的内容指的是 synchronizes-with 边缘的物理实现...可能是这样.
I am not sure about this (because the Cookbook document does not elaborate), but I think that "a synchronization barrier" in the Cookbook is referring to a physical implementation of a synchronizes-with edge ... whatever that might be.
So what the document is saying here is that the memory barriers it refers to are not the same thing as the mechanisms that implement locks and so on. Which is kind of obvious really.