我正在使用Amazon S3上传,并且键名过长遇到麻烦. S3通过字节而不是字符来限制密钥的长度.
I am working with Amazon S3 uploads and am having trouble with key names being too long. S3 limits the length of the key by bytes, not characters.
I also attempt to embed metadata in the file name, so I need to be able to calculate the current byte length of the string using Python to make sure the metadata does not make the key too long (in which case I would have to use a separate metadata file).
How can I determine the byte length of the utf-8 encoded string? Again, I am not interested in the character length... rather the actual byte length used to store the string.
def utf8len(s):
return len(s.encode('utf-8'))
在Python 2和3中工作正常.
Works fine in Python 2 and 3.