

我了解到,只要我在MIPS中拥有一个具有四个以上参数的函数,就应该利用堆栈.但是在下面的代码中,将第五个参数保存在sw $t0, 4($sp)并执行jal sad之后,然后在sad函数的开头,我再次调整堆栈指针以保存由$sx使用的$sx寄存器.呼叫者.我在这里做错什么了吗?

I understand that whenever I have a function that has more than four arguments in MIPS I should utilize the stack. However in my code below after saving the fifth argument at sw $t0, 4($sp) and do a jal sad, then right at the beginning of the sad function I adjust the stack pointer again to save the $sx registers that is used by the caller. Am I doing something wrong here?

vbsme:  subu    $sp, $sp, 8     # create space on the stack pointer
    sw  $ra, 0($sp)     # save return address

    li  $v0, 0          # reset $v0
    li  $v1, 0          # reset $v1
    li  $s0, 1          # i(row) = 1
    li  $s1, 1          # j(col) = 1
    lw  $s2, 0($a0)     # row size
    lw  $s3, 4($a0)     # col size
    mul     $s4, $s2, $s3       # row * col
    li  $s5, 0          # element = 0
loop:   bgeq    $s5, $s4, exit      # if element >= row * col then exit

    subi    $a3, $s0, 1     # 4th parameter: i-1
    subi    $t0, $s1, 1
    sw  $t0, 4($sp)     # 5th parameter: j-1

    jal     sad         # calculate the sum of absolute difference using the frame starting from row a3 and col 4($sp)

    add $s6, $s0, $s1
    andi $s7, $s6, 1
if: bneq $s7, $zero, else
inif:   bge $s1, $s2, inelse
    addi $s1, $s1, 1
    j inif1
inelse: addi $s0, $s0, 2
inif1:  subi $s7, $s0, 1
    beq $s7, $zero, loop_back
    subi $s0, $s0, 1
    j loop_back
else:   bge $s0, $s2, inelse1
    addi $s0, $s0, 1
    j inif2
inelse1:addi $s1, $s1, 2
inif2:  subi $s7, $s1, 1
    beq $s7, $zero, loop_back
    subi $s1, $s1, 1
    j loop_back
loop_back: addi $s5, $s5, 1
       j loop
exit:   lw  $ra, 0($sp)     # restore return address
    addi    $sp, $sp, 8     # restore stack pointer
    jr $ra              # return

.globl  sad
sad:    subu $sp, $sp, 32       # allocate stack space for largest function
    sw $s7, 28($sp)         # save $s7 value
    sw $s6, 24($sp)         # save $s6 value
    sw $s5, 20($sp)         # save $s5 value
    sw $s4, 16($sp)         # save $s4 value
    sw $s3, 12($sp)         # save $s3 value
    sw $s2, 8($sp)          # save $s2 value
    sw $s1, 4($sp)          # save $s1 value
    sw $s0, 0($sp)          # save $s0 value

    #some code to be filled later

    lw $s7, 28($sp)         # restore original value of $s7 for caller
    lw $s6, 24($sp)         # restore original value of $s6 for caller
    lw $s5, 20($sp)         # restore original value of $s5 for caller
    lw $s4, 16($sp)         # restore original value of $s4 for caller
    lw $s3, 12($sp)         # restore original value of $s3 for caller
    lw $s2, 8($sp)          # restore original value of $s2 for caller
    lw $s1, 4($sp)          # restore original value of $s1 for caller
    lw $s0, 0($sp)          # restore original value of $s0 for caller
    addiu $sp, $sp, 32      # restore the caller's stack pointer
    jr $ra              # return to caller's code


这是gcc的工作方式.有关更多信息,您(可以)应阅读Mips ABI.有些事情可能有所不同.

This is how its done by gcc. For more information, you (could) should readthe Mips ABI. Some things may differ.



By convention, the fifth argument should go on the fifth word of the stack.


    sub $sp,$sp,24 #24 byte stack frame
    ... some code ...
    #Convention indicates to store $a0..$a3 in A..D (see below)
    sw $a0,0(sp)
    sw $a1,4(sp)
    sw $a2,8(sp)
    sw $a3,12(sp)

    #Get the 5th argument
    lw $t0,40($sp) #40 : 24 + 16


To store the 5th argument in the stack, you should know this:


If vbsme is going to call another function, then the bottom 4 words of the stack should be saved for the callee to store argument values there. If more than 4 arguments are passed, then an additional word should be saved for each argument.

vbsme's stack frame bottom part (Argument building area)

    |    ...       |
    |   5th arg    |  <---- sw      $t5,16($sp)
    |     D        |
    |     C        |
    |     B        |
    |     A        |
    ---------------  <--sp (of vbsme stack frame)

此外,$ ra寄存器应该保存在堆栈的顶部,因为它的寄存器是31.

Also, the $ra register should be saved at the top of the stack, since its register 31.

     subu    $sp, $sp, 20+N # 20: space for 5 arguments,
                            #N space for other stuff (ra,$tx, etc)

     #Set arguments (assumes 5th parameter value is in register $t5)
     subi    $a3, $s0, 1     # 4th parameter: i-1
     sw      $t5,16($sp)     #



Why is it that you do:
lw $t0,40($sp)
to get the 5th argument, why did you add 24 to 16? when you do
sub $sp,$sp,24
don't you already move
the sp 24 place?

是的,$ sp + 24指向调用方堆栈的底部.但是,那不是我提出第五个论点的地方.第五个参数放在调用程序堆栈的第五个单词上,这就是为什么我要添加16.

Yes, $sp + 24 points to the base of the caller´s stack. However, thats not where I placed the fifth argument. The fifth argument is placed on the fifth word of the callers stack, thats why I add 16.


08-29 08:31