

我注意到 static_assert 的奇怪行为:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, unsigned int D> struct Vec
    static_assert(D && 0, "Invalid dimension for vector!");

template <typename T> struct Vec<T, 1>             {union {T x, r;};};
template <typename T> struct Vec<T, 2> : Vec<T, 1> {union {T y, g;};};
template <typename T> struct Vec<T, 3> : Vec<T, 2> {union {T z, b;};};
template <typename T> struct Vec<T, 4> : Vec<T, 3> {union {T w, a;};};

int main()
    Vec<float, 3> v;
    v.x = 1;
    v.y = 2;
    v.z = 3;

    return 0;


static_assert(0, "Invalid dimension for vector!");


to give me same result, but it causes static assertion failure: http://ideone.com/UEu9Kv .Is gcc correct in both cases? If so, why? Or is it a gcc bug? Then, in which case gcc is correct?


§14.6[temp.res] / p8:

§14.6 [temp.res]/p8:

在这两种情况下,都不能为主模板生成有效的专门化,因为 static_assert D )的值永远不为真( D&因为不需要诊断,编译器可以自由诊断一个(当你使用 0 而不是另一个)(当你使用 D& ; 0 )。

In both cases no valid specialization can be generated for the primary template due to the static_assert (D && 0 is never true no matter the value of D). Since no diagnostic is required, the compiler is free to diagnose one (when you use 0) but not the other (when you use D && 0).


template <unsigned int D> struct always_false : std::false_type {};

template <typename T, unsigned int D> struct Vec
    static_assert(always_false<D>::value, "Invalid dimension for vector!");

编译器不能再在定义时拒绝这个,因为可能有一个明确的 always_false 成员为 true

The compiler can no longer reject this at definition time, as there might be an explicit specialization of always_false whose value member is true.


08-29 12:03