Background:I'm having the Firebase analytics data exported to BigQuery. And I'm using cron jobs to crunch data in BigQuery for getting insight.
问题:为了仅处理增量数据,即自上次执行cron作业以来已到达的数据,我需要一种方法来计算数据到达服务器的时间,因为生成了 event_timestamp 在客户端,可以在发送之前在客户端缓存.
Problem:To be able to only crunch delta data i.e. the data that has arrived since last time I ran my cron job I need a way to figure out the time when the data arrived at server, since the event_timestamp is generated at client and can be cached at client before sent.
见解:我已经尝试过使用 event_server_timestamp_offset (偏移),我认为我可以将其与 event_timestamp 一起使用.但是我希望补偿量只会是正数,但也可能是负数.当我查看整个导出的Firebase分析数据集中的偏移量的最大值和最小值并将其重新计算为年而不是微秒时,我可以获得超过18年的偏移量.
Insights:I have laborated with event_server_timestamp_offset (offset) which I thought I could use together with event_timestamp. But I was expecting the offset to only be positive but it can also be negative. And when I look at the MAX and MIN for the offset in the entire exported Firebase analytics dataset and re-calculate it to years instead of microseconds I can get more than 18 years offset.
MAX(event_server_timestamp_offset)/(1000000*60*60*24) max_days,
MIN(event_server_timestamp_offset)/(1000000*60*60*24) min_days
结果:max_days = 6784.485790436655,min_days = -106.95833052104166
Result: max_days=6784.485790436655,min_days=-106.95833052104166
- 如何确定Firebase导出的BigQuery数据的服务器到达时间,以便我可以运行仅处理增量数据的cron作业?
- 我可以将 event_server_timestamp_offset 与 event_timestamp 一起使用吗?如果可以,怎么办?
- How can I figure out the server arrival time for my Firebase exported BigQuery data so I can run cron jobs crunching only delta data?
- Can I use event_server_timestamp_offset together with event_timestamp? If so, how?
Surprisingly enough, this question not having a clear answer for almost 2 years, I am leaving here the answers I got from the Firebase support team. The format is - question asked followed by the answer of the support staff.
A1.根据文档,event_date是指记录/发生事件的日期.请注意,event_date基于Firebase项目的Google Analytics(分析)时区设置.
A1. Per documentation, event_date refers to the date on which the event is logged/occurred. Note that event_date is based on the Analytics timezone setting of your Firebase Project.
A2. Yes, this is based on the device timezone setting. However, event_timestamp may be skewed if the device time is incorrect.
A3. The event_server_timestamp_offset field in the export schema is the time difference between when the event took place and the app uploaded it to our server. In other words, this is the estimated difference between the client's local time and the actual time, according to our servers. The values of this field are usually positive, but can be negative as well if the device time setting is incorrect.
A4. Yes, you may actually ignore it and use event_timestamp alone. However, as mentioned earlier, event_timestamp could be off if the device time setting incorrect, but it shouldn't really affect the bigger picture of your analytics data as cases like this are usually one-off.
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