Fedora 33乐
Fedora 33Raku
I want to talk to lic.so.6 with NativeCall for an example I am writing. I have found
- https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Function-Index.html
- https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Getting-the-Time.html#index-clock_005fgettime
But I can't figure out which one will just give me the time of day (21:02:03)
In principle I shouldn't be trying to write an answer. But some say impatience and/or hubris can be a virtue...
The page you linked only lists functions that the introductory doc says have "no relation to the way people normally think of ... time".
我查看了Håkon链接的模块及其使用的模块: P5localtime .它包含以下行:
I looked at the module Håkon linked, and a module it uses: P5localtime. It includes this line:
my sub get-ctime(int64 is rw --> Str) is native is symbol<ctime> {*}
这将调用C函数 ctime
,该函数记录在您链接的网站的格式化日历时间 页面.
This calls the C function ctime
that's documented on the Formatting Calendar Time page of the site you linked.
我的猜测是您想调用 ctime_r
My guess is that you want to call the ctime_r
function or similar.
我回想起最近在阅读您自己与某人之间的交流,这些人对这类事情(ugexe?)有关如何专门选择 glibc.so.6
I recall recently reading an exchange between yourself and someone knowledgeable about such things (ugexe?) about how you can specifically pick up glibc.so.6
rather than some other version, so I'll skip that wrinkle.
I'm happy to give you the time of day, though it might not be the time of day you want. I know next to nothing about the relevant ingredients. My only excuse for answering your question is that I sometimes have sufficient time and the sort of hubris and impatience to answer questions about topics I know nothing about that are not the virtues Larry meant.
您正在查看的页面- 获得时间 -听起来对您来说很有希望,但是如果您在网站上上了几个台阶您将进入标题为 时间基础的页面strong> 强烈建议我要使用 格式化日历时间 页面或 故障时间 页面.
The page you're looking at -- Getting the time -- presumably sounds promising to you, but if you go up a few levels in the web site you'll come to a page titled Time Basics that strongly suggests to me that you want to use functions from either the Formatting Calendar Time page or the Broken-down Time page.
Though I do have doubts. First, I don't know what I'm talking about. Second, each of the functions has annotations like this that are troubling:
我将留给您阅读 POSIX安全概念文档,因此您可以进行相应的调整.
I'll leave it up to you to read the POSIX Safety Concepts doc that explains those terms, so you can adapt accordingly.