我正在尝试编写一个打印时间表的 tkinter 程序.为此,我必须编辑一个文本小部件以将答案放在屏幕上.所有的和都紧挨着出现,没有空格,当我在它们之间添加一个空格时,我的空白周围会出现花括号.我怎样才能摆脱那些花括号?
I am trying to write a tkinter program that prints out times tables. To do this, I have to edit a text widget to put the answer on the screen. All of the sums come up right next to each other with no spaces, when I add a space between them, curly braces appear around my white space. How ca I get rid of those curly braces?
# Times Tables
# Imported Libraries
from tkinter import *
# Functions
def function ():
whichtable = int(tableentry.get())
howfar = int(howfarentry.get())
a = 1
while a <= howfar:
text = (whichtable, "x", howfar, "=", howfar*whichtable, ", ")
answer.insert("1.0", text)
howfar = howfar - 1
# Window
root = Tk ()
# Title Label
title = Label (root, text="Welcome to TimesTables.py", font="Ubuntu")
title.pack ()
# Which Table Label
tablelabel = Label (root, text="Which Times Table would you like to use?")
tablelabel.pack (anchor="w")
# Which Table Entry
tableentry = Entry (root, textvariable=StringVar)
tableentry.pack ()
# How Far Label
howfarlabel = Label (root, text="How far would you like to go in that times table?")
howfarlabel.pack (anchor="w")
# How Far Entry
howfarentry = Entry (root, textvariable=StringVar)
howfarentry.pack ()
# Go Button
go = Button (root, text="Go", bg="green", width="40", command=function)
go.pack ()
# Answer Text
answer = Text (root, bg="cyan", height="3", width="32", font="Ubuntu")
answer.pack ()
# Loop
root.mainloop ()
To get each equation on its own line, you might want to build the whole table as one string:
table = ',\n'.join(['{w} x {h} = {a}'.format(w=whichtable, h=h, a=whichtable*h)
for h in range(howfar,0,-1)])
answer.insert("1.0", table)
此外,如果您将 fill
和 expand
参数添加到 answer.pack
Also, if you add fill
and expand
parameters to answer.pack
, you will be able to see more of the table:
answer.pack(fill="y", expand=True)
这篇关于使用 tkinter 在 python 中使用空格时,如何去掉花括号?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!