本文介绍了创建一个通用的单例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 这是一个头部爆竹(对我来说)。基本上我想要从同一个类继承2个不同的单例。在任何一个我想使用本身派生的某个类。所以我有工具和 AUtil:工具和 BUtil:工具。并且 Singleton 用作 ASingleton 使用 AUtility 胃和 B 分别。我在各个方面都失败了。最后一次尝试是一个工厂模式,它将Swift 1.2简单地转换为Segfault: $ p $协议可初始化{init()} 类A:初始化{ var x =A需要init(){} } class B:可初始化{ var x =B需要init(){} } class C { let t:可初始化 init(t:可初始化){ self。 t = t println(t)} func factory(){ println(t.dynamicType())} } 正如我所说的,我也尝试了以下模式: private let _SingletonSharedInstance = StaticClass() $ b class class StaticClass {$ b $ class var sharedInstance:StaticClass { return _SingletonSharedInstance } } let s = StaticClass.sharedInstance (这不是你看到的通用,但我所有的尝试都失败了,所以我展示了我的出发点。) 无论如何,我似乎是在厄运和死亡之间迷失了方向。 ? 协议可初始化:class {init()} private var instances = [String:Initializable ]() func singletonInstance< T:Initializable>(_ ty:T.Type = T.self) - > T { let name = NSStringFromClass(ty) if let o =(instances [name] as?T){ return o } let o = ty () instances [name] = o return o } class Foo:Initializable {required init(){}} class Bar:Initializable {required init(){}} let foo1 = singletonInstance()as Foo // or`singletonInstance(Foo.self)` let foo2 = singletonInstance( )作为Foo assert(foo1 === foo2) 让bar1 = singletonInstance()作为Bar 让bar2 = singletonInstance()作为Bar assert(bar1 === bar2) (我已经测试了上面的代码,并在Swift 1.2中使用它。) This is a bit of a head banger (for me). Basically I want to have 2 different singletons that inherit from the same class. In either I want to use a certain class which itself is derived. So I have Utility and both AUtil:Utility and BUtil:Utility. And Singleton that is used as ASingleton using AUtility in its stomach and B respectively. I failed on all frontiers. The last attempt was a factory pattern which simply got Swift 1.2 to Segfault:protocol Initializable { init() }class A:Initializable { var x = "A" required init() {}}class B:Initializable { var x = "B" required init() {}}class C { let t:Initializable init(t:Initializable) { self.t = t println(t) } func factory() { println(t.dynamicType()) }}As said I also tried to make the following pattern generic:private let _SingletonSharedInstance = StaticClass()class StaticClass { class var sharedInstance : StaticClass { return _SingletonSharedInstance }}let s = StaticClass.sharedInstance(This one isn't generic as you see. But all my attempts failed and so I show my starting point.)Anyway I seem to be lost between doom and death. 解决方案 Do you mean something like this?protocol Initializable: class { init() }private var instances = [String: Initializable]()func singletonInstance<T: Initializable>(_ ty: T.Type = T.self) -> T { let name = NSStringFromClass(ty) if let o = (instances[name] as? T) { return o } let o = ty() instances[name] = o return o}An use-side of it, for instance.class Foo: Initializable { required init() {} }class Bar: Initializable { required init() {} }let foo1 = singletonInstance() as Foo // or `singletonInstance(Foo.self)`let foo2 = singletonInstance() as Fooassert(foo1 === foo2)let bar1 = singletonInstance() as Barlet bar2 = singletonInstance() as Barassert(bar1 === bar2)(I've tested the code above and got it to work in Swift 1.2.) 这篇关于创建一个通用的单例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-02 03:55