保存源文件 gedit / code>行结尾。 4)添加其他正常的第一个字符没有帮助:_∞Notes: 1) ∞ is just an example, there are a lot of characters that are potentially useful but also forbidden, like ∫ or ∂. 2) I am not asking if it is good idea, please take it as a technical question. 3) I am interested in C++ compiler of clang 3.4 in Linux (gcc 4.8.3 doesn't support this). I am saving the source files with gedit using UTF-8 encoding and Unix/Linux line ending. 4) adding other normal first characters doesn't help: _∞// double ∞ = 99999.; // still error// double ⧞ = 99999.; // infinity negated still error double ꝏ = 99999.; // letter oo double Ꝏ = 99999.; // letter OO// double ⧜ = 99999.; // incomplete infinity still error 这篇关于Unicode /变量名中的特殊字符不允许在clang中使用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
06-06 16:48