It looks like it boils down to ./configure generating Makefile from and then running something via make that triggers the shtool subcommand scpp:pth_p.h: $(S) $(SHTOOL) scpp -o pth_p.h -t $(S) -Dcpp -Cintern -M '==#==' $(HSRCS)晦涩的链接,但这是一个 shtool-scpp联机帮助页,其描述为:Obscure link, but here's an shtool-scpp manpage, which describes it as:此命令是附加的ANSI C用于共享的源文件预处理器内部cpp(1)代码段变量和内部函数.这意图来自写作ANSI C中的库.这是常见的共享内部头文件通常是用于在之间共享信息库源文件. This command is an additional ANSI C source file pre-processor for sharing cpp(1) code segments, internal variables and internal functions. The intention for this comes from writing libraries in ANSI C. Here a common shared internal header file is usually used for sharing information between the library source files.操作是解析特殊在文件中构造,生成一些这些构造中的东西将它们插入tfile中的位置标记通过将输出写入ofile.此外,这些文件永远不会感动或修改.相反,构造会在以后被删除构建过程的cpp(1)阶段.这唯一的前提是每个文件在顶部.The operation is to parse special constructs in files, generate a few things out of these constructs and insert them at position mark in tfile by writing the output to ofile. Additionally the files are never touched or modified. Instead the constructs are removed later by the cpp(1) phase of the build process. The only prerequisite is that every file has a ``"#include ""ofile"""'' at the top. 这篇关于从.h.in生成的.h?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-26 14:08