I have read this and this, but that didn't help...
I am using hibernate validator with the following versions/dependencies:
I thought I'm doing everything correctly, and my logs (with verbose:class as a flag) tell me that:
[Loaded javax.validation.Validation from file:.../validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar]
But later at runtime, when I use
Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
我还尝试降级到hibernate-validator 4.3.1和javax.validation-api 1.0.0,但奇怪的是,该错误仍然足够.
I also tried downgrading to hibernate-validator 4.3.1 and javax.validation-api 1.0.0, but the error weirdly enough remained the same.
我在该项目中还有其他依赖项(例如Spring等),但据我所知,没有一个使用hibernate-validator或javax验证api. (如果是这样,我还会在日志中看到它们,不是吗?)
I have loads of other dependencies in this project(e.g. Spring etc.) , but as far as I can see, none that use hibernate-validator or the javax validation api. (If that were the case, I'd also see them loaded in the logs, wouldn't I?)
对我来说,问题在于Hibernate Validator依赖于jboss-logging.而且jboss日志记录不是我的类路径的一部分.唯一的例外是没有告诉我在尝试实例化休眠配置时,类not def发现错误是因为在类路径中缺少了jboss登录.
For me the problem was that Hibernate Validator depended on jboss-logging.And the jboss logging was not part of my classpath.The exception was not telling me that the class not def found error while trying to instantiate the hibernate configuration impl was from missing jboss logging on the classpath.
Once I added it to the classpath, the class def not found error went away.
这篇关于Hibernate Validator java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:无法初始化类org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.ConfigurationImpl的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!