


I'm pretty new to the whole idea of data visualization, so I was hoping people could point me in the direction of efficient tools to use for a problem I have:

我有很多数字数据(它们是计数),它们与具有两个字母的国家/地区代码的特定国家/地区相关联.理想情况下,我希望能够使用某种世界热图来表示这些计数.换句话说,如果印度的数量是 20,中国的数量是 5,我希望中国是浅红色,印度是深红色.

I've got a lot of numerical data (they are counts) that are tied to specific countries with a two-letter country code. Ideally, I'd like to be able to represent these counts using a sort of world heat map. In other words, if the count for India is 20 and the count for China is 5, I'd want China to be colored light red and India to be colored dark red.

什么工具最适合做这样的事情?我使用 Pandas 和 Python 进行数据操作和分析,所以我很想将东西保留在 Python 家族中,但我很乐意提供任何建议.

What tools would be best to do something like this? I do my data manipulation and analysis using pandas and Python, so I'd love to keep things in the Python family, but I'd love any suggestions at all.


  1. Matplotlib 有一个叫做 basemap
  2. 文森特


07-30 05:01