


I would like to retrieve a list of all the street addresses within a small range on a geopoint.

使用场景是用户从当前位置的地址列表(比如 50 米内)中选择他/她的当前地址,因为位置检索不够准确.

A scenario for use is for a user to select his/her current address from a list of addresses (within say 50 meters) of current location, since location retrieval is not going to be accurate enough.

我想知道使用 Google 地图 API 是否可行?否则有人知道我可以为此目的使用的替代 API 吗?

I am wondering if that is possible using Google maps API?Otherwise does anyone knows an alternative API that I can use for this purpose?

据我所知,虽然 Google 地图反向地理编码服务会返回一些地理点的地址",但它们通常只是地址的不同表示,而不是位置附近的地址.

From what I've seen, although the Google maps reverse geocoding service returns a number of "addresses" for a geopoint they are usually just different representations of the address, rather than addresses near location.

我在 SO 上看到过一些类似的问题,但没有一个是我正在寻找的答案.

I've seen some similar questions on SO but none had the answers I am looking for.


我能够使用 API 组合获得我想要的那种结果.

I was able to get the kind of results I was looking for using a combination of APIs.

首先,我使用 Geonames 的查找"获取附近街道的名称附近的街道"

然后对于每条街道,我都会得到一个地理点,并通过 TomTom 的 Map Toolkit API,这给了我每条街道的最小和最大街道编号值.

Then for each street I get a geopoint and run it by TomTom's Reverse Geocoding method of their Map Toolkit API, that gives me the min and max street number values for each of the streets.
