

我有两个数据框df1df2. df1包含人们的年龄信息,而df2包含人们的性别信息.并非所有人都在df1df2

I have two dataframes df1 and df2. df1 contains the information of the age of people, while df2 contains the information of the sex of people. Not all the people are in df1 nor in df2

     Name   Age 
0     Tom    34
1     Sara   18
2     Eva    44
3     Jack   27
4     Laura  30

     Name      Sex 
0     Tom       M
1     Paul      M
2     Eva       F
3     Jack      M
4     Michelle  F

我想在df1中获取人们的性别信息,如果在df2中没有该信息,请设置NaN.我尝试做df1 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on = 'Name', how = 'outer'),但是我把一些我不想要的人的信息保存在df2中.

I want to have the information of the sex of the people in df1 and setting NaN if I do not have this information in df2. I tried to do df1 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on = 'Name', how = 'outer') but I keep the information of some people in df2 that I don't want.

     Name   Age     Sex
0     Tom    34      M
1     Sara   18     NaN
2     Eva    44      F
3     Jack   27      M
4     Laura  30     NaN



df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Sara', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Laura'], 
                    'Age': [34, 18, 44, 27, 30]})

#print (df1)
df3 = df1.copy()

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Paul', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Michelle'], 
                    'Sex': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F']})
#print (df2)

使用 map 通过Series set_index :

Use map by Series created by set_index:

df1['Sex'] = df1['Name'].map(df2.set_index('Name')['Sex'])
print (df1)
    Name  Age  Sex
0    Tom   34    M
1   Sara   18  NaN
2    Eva   44    F
3   Jack   27    M
4  Laura   30  NaN

使用 merge 的替代解决方案左联接:

Alternative solution with merge with left join:

df = df3.merge(df2[['Name','Sex']], on='Name', how='left')
print (df)
    Name  Age  Sex
0    Tom   34    M
1   Sara   18  NaN
2    Eva   44    F
3   Jack   27    M
4  Laura   30  NaN


If need map by multiple columns (e.g. Year and Code) need merge with left join:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Sara', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Laura'], 
                    'Age': [34, 18, 44, 27, 30]})

print (df1)
    Name  Year  Code  Age
0    Tom  2000     1   34
1   Sara  2003     2   18
2    Eva  2003     3   44
3   Jack  2004     4   27
4  Laura  2007     4   30

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Paul', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Michelle'], 
                    'Sex': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F'],
print (df2)
       Name Sex  Year  Code  Val
0       Tom   M  2001     1   21
1      Paul   M  2003     2   34
2       Eva   F  2003     3   23
3      Jack   M  2004     5   44
4  Michelle   F  2007     3   67
#merge by all columns
df = df1.merge(df2, on=['Year','Code'], how='left')
print (df)
  Name_x  Year  Code  Age Name_y  Sex   Val
0    Tom  2000     1   34    NaN  NaN   NaN
1   Sara  2003     2   18   Paul    M  34.0
2    Eva  2003     3   44    Eva    F  23.0
3   Jack  2004     4   27    NaN  NaN   NaN
4  Laura  2007     4   30    NaN  NaN   NaN

#specified columns - columns for join (Year, Code) need always + appended columns (Val)
df = df1.merge(df2[['Year','Code', 'Val']], on=['Year','Code'], how='left')
print (df)
    Name  Year  Code  Age   Val
0    Tom  2000     1   34   NaN
1   Sara  2003     2   18  34.0
2    Eva  2003     3   44  23.0
3   Jack  2004     4   27   NaN
4  Laura  2007     4   30   NaN


If get error with map it means duplicates by columns of join, here Name:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Sara', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Laura'], 
                    'Age': [34, 18, 44, 27, 30]})

print (df1)
    Name  Age
0    Tom   34
1   Sara   18
2    Eva   44
3   Jack   27
4  Laura   30

df3, df4 = df1.copy(), df1.copy()

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Tom', 'Eva', 'Jack', 'Michelle'], 
                    'Val': [1,2,3,4,5]})
print (df2)
       Name  Val
0       Tom    1 <-duplicated name Tom
1       Tom    2 <-duplicated name Tom
2       Eva    3
3      Jack    4
4  Michelle    5

s = df2.set_index('Name')['Val']
df1['New'] = df1['Name'].map(s)
print (df1)

DataFrame.drop_duplicates ,或将地图按dict用于上次重复比赛:

Solutions are removed duplicates by DataFrame.drop_duplicates, or use map by dict for last dupe match:

#default keep first value
s = df2.drop_duplicates('Name').set_index('Name')['Val']
print (s)
Tom         1
Eva         3
Jack        4
Michelle    5
Name: Val, dtype: int64

df1['New'] = df1['Name'].map(s)
print (df1)
    Name  Age  New
0    Tom   34  1.0
1   Sara   18  NaN
2    Eva   44  3.0
3   Jack   27  4.0
4  Laura   30  NaN
#add parameter for keep last value 
s = df2.drop_duplicates('Name', keep='last').set_index('Name')['Val']
print (s)
Tom         2
Eva         3
Jack        4
Michelle    5
Name: Val, dtype: int64

df3['New'] = df3['Name'].map(s)
print (df3)
    Name  Age  New
0    Tom   34  2.0
1   Sara   18  NaN
2    Eva   44  3.0
3   Jack   27  4.0
4  Laura   30  NaN
#map by dictionary
d = dict(zip(df2['Name'], df2['Val']))
print (d)
{'Tom': 2, 'Eva': 3, 'Jack': 4, 'Michelle': 5}

df4['New'] = df4['Name'].map(d)
print (df4)
    Name  Age  New
0    Tom   34  2.0
1   Sara   18  NaN
2    Eva   44  3.0
3   Jack   27  4.0
4  Laura   30  NaN


10-29 22:46