本文介绍了在 pandas 中加入或合并覆盖的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to perform a join/merge/append operation on a dataframe with datetime index.

假设我有df1,并且我想在其中添加df2. df2可以具有更少或更多的列以及重叠的索引.对于索引匹配的所有行,如果df2df1具有相同的列,我希望df1的值被df2的值覆盖.

Let's say I have df1 and I want to add df2 to it. df2 can have fewer or more columns, and overlapping indexes. For all rows where the indexes match, if df2 has the same column as df1, I want the values of df1 be overwritten with those from df2.


How can I obtain the desired result?


如何: df2.combine_first(df1) ?

In [33]: df2
                   A         B         C         D
2000-01-03  0.638998  1.277361  0.193649  0.345063
2000-01-04 -0.816756 -1.711666 -1.155077 -0.678726
2000-01-05  0.435507 -0.025162 -1.112890  0.324111
2000-01-06 -0.210756 -1.027164  0.036664  0.884715
2000-01-07 -0.821631 -0.700394 -0.706505  1.193341
2000-01-10  1.015447 -0.909930  0.027548  0.258471
2000-01-11 -0.497239 -0.979071 -0.461560  0.447598

In [34]: df1
                   A         B         C
2000-01-03  2.288863  0.188175 -0.040928
2000-01-04  0.159107 -0.666861 -0.551628
2000-01-05 -0.356838 -0.231036 -1.211446
2000-01-06 -0.866475  1.113018 -0.001483
2000-01-07  0.303269  0.021034  0.471715
2000-01-10  1.149815  0.686696 -1.230991
2000-01-11 -1.296118 -0.172950 -0.603887
2000-01-12 -1.034574 -0.523238  0.626968
2000-01-13 -0.193280  1.857499 -0.046383
2000-01-14 -1.043492 -0.820525  0.868685

In [35]: df2.comb
df2.combine        df2.combineAdd     df2.combine_first  df2.combineMult    

In [35]: df2.combine_first(df1)
                   A         B         C         D
2000-01-03  0.638998  1.277361  0.193649  0.345063
2000-01-04 -0.816756 -1.711666 -1.155077 -0.678726
2000-01-05  0.435507 -0.025162 -1.112890  0.324111
2000-01-06 -0.210756 -1.027164  0.036664  0.884715
2000-01-07 -0.821631 -0.700394 -0.706505  1.193341
2000-01-10  1.015447 -0.909930  0.027548  0.258471
2000-01-11 -0.497239 -0.979071 -0.461560  0.447598
2000-01-12 -1.034574 -0.523238  0.626968       NaN
2000-01-13 -0.193280  1.857499 -0.046383       NaN
2000-01-14 -1.043492 -0.820525  0.868685       NaN


Note that it takes the values from df1 for indices that do not overlap with df2. If this doesn't do exactly what you want I would be willing to improve this function / add options to it.

这篇关于在 pandas 中加入或合并覆盖的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 21:51