

我在快乐C.使生活的游戏,我被告知使用的typedef枚举并在可能的情况,所以我做了一个typedef 状态来的信号是否细胞 DEAD ALIVE

i'm making a game of life in C. I was told to use typedef and enum wherever possible, so I made a typedef state to signal whether a cell is DEAD or ALIVE.I made a 3d array that holds all the boards in all generations.when I try to use the array as a parameter of a function, it says error: array type has incomplete element type. Did I do the typedef wrong? Can you not have arrays of user defined types?Here's my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef enum { DEAD, ALIVE } state;
void nextGeneration(state[][][], int, int, int);
int numberOfNeighbours(state[][][], int, int, int);
void printGeneration(state[][][], int, int, int);
int main(void)
        FILE *filePath;
        int boardHeight;
        int boardWidth;
        int requestedGenerations;
        state board[100][10][10] = { DEAD };
        int h;
        int w;
        if((filePath = fopen("file1", "r")) == NULL)
                fprintf(stderr, "No such file.\n");
        if(fscanf(filePath, "%d %d %d", &requestedGenerations, &boardHeight, &boardWidth) != 3)
                fprintf(stderr, "File doesn't contain the number of requested generations or the board's size.\n");
        for (h = 0; h < boardHeight; h++)
                for(w = 0; w < boardWidth; w++)
                        fscanf(filePath, "%d", &board[0][h][w]);
        while(requestedGenerations > 0)
                nextGeneration(board, requestedGenerations--, boardHeight, boardWidth);
                printGeneration(board, requestedGenerations, boardHeight, boardWidth);
void nextGeneration(state board[][][], int requestedGeneration, int boardHeight, int boardWidth)
        int h;
        int w;
        int currentNumOfNeighbours;
        for(h = 0; h < boardHeight; h++)
                for(w = 0; w < boardHeight; w++)
                        currentNumOfNeighbours = numberOfNeighbours(board, requestedGeneration, h, w);
                        if(board[requestedGeneration][h][w] == ALIVE)
                                if(currentNumOfNeighbours == 2 || currentNumOfNeighbours == 3)
                                        board[requestedGeneration + 1][h][w] == ALIVE;
                        } else if(currentNumOfNeighbours == 3)
                                board[requestedGeneration + 1][h][w] == ALIVE;
int numberOfNeighbours(state board[][][], int requestedGeneration, int h, int w)
        int result = 0;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h][w + 1]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h][w - 1]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h + 1][w]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h - 1][w]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h + 1][w + 1]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h - 1][w + 1]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h + 1][w - 1]) result++;
        if(board[requestedGeneration][h + 1][w - 1]) result++;
        return result;
void printGeneration(state board[][][], int requestedGeneration, int boardHeight, int boardWidth)
        int h;
        int w;
        for(h = 0; h < boardHeight; h++)
                for(w = 0; w < boardWidth; w++)
                        printf("%d", board[requestedGeneration][h][w]);


Actual error messages:

program1.c:4: error: array type has incomplete element type
program1.c:5: error: array type has incomplete element type
program1.c:6: error: array type has incomplete element type
program1.c: In function ‘main’:
program1.c:31: error: type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete
program1.c:32: error: type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete
program1.c: At top level:
program1.c:35: error: array type has incomplete element type
program1.c: In function ‘nextGeneration’:
program1.c:43: error: type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete
program1.c: At top level:
program1.c:52: error: array type has incomplete element type
program1.c:65: error: array type has incomplete element type


Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :).



You need to give size to last two dimensions of array in function definition, something like that for example

     #define y 10
     #define z 10

    void nextGeneration(state board[][y][z], int requestedGeneration, int boardHeight, int boardWidth)

    int numberOfNeighbours(state board[][y][z], int requestedGeneration, int h, int w)

这是给系统提示如何计算,当您试图访问一个元素的索引。请记住,阵列(不管多少维度有)仅仅是一个连续的一块内存,所以当你索引阵列板[requestedGeneration] [H] [W] 编译器生成code一样,

That is to give the system a hint how to calculate the index of an element when you trying to access it. Remember that array (no matter how many dimensions it has) is just a continuous piece of memory, so when you index into your array board[requestedGeneration][h][w] compiler generates code like that

*(board + requestedGeneration * 10 * 10 + h * 10 + w  )


08-19 19:03