

我正在尝试设置我的第一个 RabbitMQ 死信交换,以下是我通过 Web 管理界面使用的步骤:

I'm trying to setup my first RabbitMQ dead letter exchange, here are the steps I'm using through the web admin interface:

  1. 创建名为dead.letter.test"的新直接交换
  2. 创建新队列dead.letter.queue"
  3. 将dead.letter.queue"绑定到dead.letter.test"
  4. 创建新队列test1",死信交换设置为dead.letter.test"
  5. 向test1"发送消息
  6. 拒绝(requeue = false)test1"中的消息


I am expecting that these steps should put a record into the "dead.letter.queue" through the "dead.letter.test" exchange. This is not happening.


I can manually put a message into the "dead.letter.test" exchange and it shows up in "dead.letter.queue" so I know that is fine.

当我查看管理 UI 时,它显示 DLX 参数设置在队列test1"上.

When I look at the admin UI it shows that the DLX parameter is setup on the queue "test1".



Gentilissimo Signore 在 Twitter 上很友好地回答了我的问题.问题是,如果您的死信交换设置为 DIRECT,您必须指定一个死信路由键.如果您只想将所有 NACK 消息放入死信桶中以备日后调查(就像我一样),那么您的死信交换应该设置为 FANOUT.

Gentilissimo Signore was kind enough to answer my question on Twitter. The problem is that if your dead letter exchange is setup as DIRECT you must specify a dead letter routing key. If you just want all your NACKed message to go into a dead letter bucket for later investigation (as I do) then your dead letter exchange should be setup as a FANOUT.


Here are the updated steps that work:

  1. 创建名为dead.letter.test"的新FANOUT交换
  2. 创建新队列dead.letter.queue"
  3. 将dead.letter.queue"绑定到dead.letter.test"
  4. 创建新队列test1",死信交换设置为dead.letter.test"
  5. 向test1"发送消息
  6. 拒绝(requeue = false)test1"中的消息


06-06 07:33