I need to save a one page pdf document as an image for a thumbnail on a website.
I've been messing around with PDFSharp and have had no luck.
I have tried this: http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/ExportImages-sample.ashx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 but all it does is extract the embedded images in the PDF file which is not the desired result.
Ideas on how to do this? Anyone know a good library that can handle this?
Please let me know why this is such a bad question. If anyone has a good solution to this it would be a great resource for many other people. Especially since google searches come up empty.
Ghostscript is currently the de-facto standard for rendering PDFs. It's a bit tricky to wrap, even using GhostScriptSharp.
贾森 - 莫尔斯写了伟大的C#包装渲染PDF文件作为插件的开放源码的。
Jason Morse wrote a great C# wrapper for rendering PDFs as a plugin to the open-source imageresizing.net library.
如果它是一个asp.net应用程序,该库允许在即时渲染,所以你可以再补充一个查询字符串,以获得JPEG / PNG版本:
If it's an asp.net application, the library allows on-the-fly rendering, so you can just add a querystring to get the jpeg/png version:
您还可以使用管理API,而不是(在任何应用程序类型 - 不ASP.NET特定)
You can also use the managed API instead (in any application type - not asp.net specific)
ImageBuilder.Current.Build(letter.pdf,dest.jpg,新ResizeSettings(格式= JPG,页面= 2));
ImageBuilder.Current.Build("letter.pdf","dest.jpg",new ResizeSettings("format=jpg;page=2"));
The PdfRenderer plugin is GPL licensed, just like Ghostscript.