本文介绍了无法使用 Apache vhost 配置禁用 IE 兼容模式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在尝试禁用 IE 的兼容模式时遇到了一个大问题.

I am having a big issue trying to disable IE's Compatibility mode.

经过一番折腾,我将问题归结为该站点是作为 Apache 的默认配置还是作为虚拟主机使用.

After much head banging, I have traced the issue down to whether the site is been served as Apache's default config, or as a virtual host.

我知道情况就是这样,因为当我使用localhost"域访问站点时,一切正常.只要我通过在虚拟主机中配置的域访问同一个页面 - 该站点就会以兼容模式呈现.

I know this to be the case as when I access the site with the 'localhost' domain, everything is fine. As soon as I access the very same page via a domain configured in a virtual host - the site renders in Compatibility mode.


Can anyone please shed any light on this crazy issue???


Serving the site as the default host isn't an option.

  • 院长




如今,大量业务线网站都支持 Internet Explorer 7.为了保持兼容性,Internet Explorer 8 附带基于区域评估的智能默认值.在默认状态下,公共 Internet 上的所有站点都以 Internet Explorer 8 标准模式(关闭兼容性视图)显示,所有内网网站都以 Internet Explorer 7 标准模式(打开兼容性视图)显示.


如果您导航到本地 Intranet 上的站点,例如 http://myPortalhttp://sharepoint/sites/mySite,Internet Explorer 8 使用7"的用户代理字符串、7"的版本向量来标识自己,并显示网页在 Internet Explorer 7 标准模式下触发标准模式.这种组合允许在 Internet Explorer 7 中正常运行的网页在 IE8 中继续运行.

If you navigate to sites on your local intranet like http://myPortal and http://sharepoint/sites/mySite, Internet Explorer 8 identifies itself with a User Agent string of ‘7’, Version Vector of ‘7’, and displays webpages that trigger standards mode in Internet Explorer 7 Standards mode. This combination allows webpages that worked correctly in Internet Explorer 7 to continue to do so in IE8.


I'm not commenting this. I'm sure this has some good real-world reasons, but I still have the urge to hit my head on the desk.

这篇关于无法使用 Apache vhost 配置禁用 IE 兼容模式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 21:59