我刚接触Firebase Flutter。我正在开发一个移动应用程序以共享书籍。
I'm quite new to Firebase Flutter. I'm developing a mobile application to share books among others.
在Firebase firestore中,
In firebase firestore,
- 我有用户'包含所有具有唯一ID的用户数据的收藏集
- 我有一个'books'包含所有具有自动创建的唯一ID的图书数据
- 我也有单个文档的全局集合,其中一个整数字段称为 bookcount。
- 用户可以拥有很多书。
- I have 'users' collections which contain all the user data with unique id
- I have 'books' collection which contain all the book data with unique id created automatically
- Also I have 'global' collection with single document with one integer field called 'bookcount'.
- Users can can have many books.
Now I want to create a another unique id field for book. idea is to have simple integer id.One way of doing this is get list of books and find the length (count) and add 1 when creating a new record. I have ruled out this method as if many users using simultaneously, I think this can lead to duplicate ids.
So I have created a another collection global with single document and field name bookcount. Which hold number of books (rough count) on books collection. So idea is each time when adding a book to a collection increase bookcount and use this value as simple unique id for a book. This bookcount may not represent actual books as user can discard the book entry before saving it, which is okay as I only need a simple unique id.
class DatabaseService {
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('users');
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('books');
final CollectionReference globalData = Firestore.instance.collection('global');
Future<String> bookId() async
String uniquebookid = await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData(
'bookcount': FieldValue.increment(1)
}).then((voidvalue) async
String cid = await globalData.getDocuments().then((bookvalue) => bookvalue.documents.single.data['bookcount'].toString());
return cid;
return uniquebookid;
}//future bookId
Now this works. well somewhat, Can we do this better? In here there are two parts, first increment the value bookcount, and then retrieve it.
- 我们可以一次完成吗?
If I try to call this method consecutively really fast when returning a value it might skip few numbers. I have call this from a button and try to press as fast I could. I think counter increase but it returnsame number few times. and then skip some when press again. for example 1,2,3,4,8,8,8,8,9,10,... So at counter 4 I try to press the button multiple times. I wonder how this will behave when multiple users adding multiple books at the same time.
- 如何解决此问题?
我认为问题出在因为 await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID')。updateData
但是,如果bookId在很短的时间内(毫秒)被调用了几次,则在 FieldValue.increment(1)
I think the problem was since await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData
is not producing a return value (void), as soon as this fired next call also execute which is okay, which okay for most scenarios.However if bookId called few times within very short period (milliseconds) this produce number before FieldValue.increment(1)
这篇关于Flutter Firebase全局自动增量值并在文档字段中检索的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!