

我试图弄清楚如何查看分解是否保留了依赖关系.关系为:R(ABCDEF),并且具有以下FD.AB-> CE,C-> EB,E-> D,C->D.然后将关系拆分为:R1(BF),R2(ACB)和R3(CDE).这种依赖关系得到保留吗?

I'm trying to figure out how to see if a decomposition is dependency preserving or not. The relation is: R(ABCDEF)and have the following FD's. AB -> CE,C -> EB,E -> D,C -> D. We then split the relation into:R1(BF), R2(ACB) and R3(CDE). Is this dependency preserving?


I was under the impression that to calculate this, you do a closure on all of the left sides of the FD's. This give:

AB + = ABCEBD,其中包括AB-> CE

AB+ = ABCEBD which includes AB -> CE

C + = CEBD,其中包括FD

C+ = CEBD which includes the FD's

E + = ED,其中包括E-> D

E+ = ED which include E->D


So in my world, this is dependency preserving. However, according to the markings the answer is that it isn't. What am I doing wrong and/or misunderstanding about the concept?

为澄清起见,我确实了解到某些依赖关系在每个分解的关系中均不成立.例如AB-> E,因为我们找不到包含这三个元素的关系.但是,尽管如此,由于AB的闭包仍然包括E,因此无论如何它都将被视为保持依赖关系.这是我出问题的地方吗?对该概念的解释(我的教科书非常简短)将不胜感激.

To clarify, I do understand that some of the dependencies doesn't hold in each decomposed relation. For example AB -> E since we can't find a relation which includes these three together. However, I though that since the closure of AB still includes E it would be considered dependency preserving anyway. Is this where I go wrong? An explanation of the concept (my textbook is VERY brief) would be greatly appreciated.



In brief: you are correct, the dependencies are preserved.



To define the concept of dependencies preservation first we need to define the concept of projection of a set of functional dependencies:

π = {X→Y∈F |X,Y⊆T }

π = { X → Y ∈ F | X, Y ⊆ T}

请注意,我们需要考虑F 的依赖关系(F依赖关系的闭包),而不仅仅是F上的依赖.

Note that we need to consider the dependencies of F (the closure of the dependency of F), not only those on F.


We can now define the property of dependencies preservation for a decomposition:

这可以通过应用至少在1983年开始在书中描述的算法来正式验证(例如,参见:Ullman,J.(1983).Database Systems Principles.Computer Science Press,Rockville,Maryland),该算法可以计算多项式时间,一组属性相对于依赖项的投影是闭合的.

This can be formally verified by applying an algorithm, described in books at least from 1983 (see for instance: Ullman, J. (1983). Principles of Database Systems. Computer Science Press, Rockville, Maryland), that computes in a polynomial time the closure of a set of attributes with respect to a projection of dependencies.


In practice, in order to check that the dependencies are preserved in your example there is no need to apply that algorithm, but it is sufficient to compute a canonical cover of the dependencies:

A B → C
C → B
C → E
E → D


From it we can see that each dependency is contained in a decomposed relation, so we can conclude that the dependencies are preserved.


Note that, when reasoning on a set of dependencies, it is always convenient to reason on a canonical cover of them.


08-03 22:09