


I am struggeling a bit with transaction scopes and entity framework.


Initially we want all our connections in the application to use snapshot isolation level when reading data, but in some circumstances we want to read data with either read committed or read uncommitted isolation level and for this we will use transaction scopes to change the isolation level temporary for queries (as pointed out in several posts here and in different blogs).


However, the problem is that when the transaction scope is disposed, the isolation still remains on the connection, which causes quite a bit of issues.


I have tried all types of variations, but with the same result; the isolationlevel is preserved beyond the transaction scope.


Is there anyone that can explain this behaviour for me or can explain what I am doing wrong?


I have found a workaround for the problem by encapsulating the transaction scope within a disposable class that reverts the isolation level for me, but I would appreciate a good explanation on this behaviour, I think that this behaviour doesn't only affect my code, but others too.


Here is an examplecode that illustrates the problem:

using (var context = new MyContext())

    //Sets the connection to default read snapshot
    using (var command = context.Database.Connection.CreateCommand())

    //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this shows snapshot

    //Executes a query
    var result = context.MatchTypes.ToArray();

    //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this still shows snapshot

    using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
        new TransactionOptions()
            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted //Also tried ReadUncommitted with the same result
        //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this still shows snapshot
        //(This is ok, since the actual new query with the transactionscope isn't executed yet)
        result = context.MatchTypes.ToArray();
        //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this has now changed to read committed as expected
        scope.Complete(); //tested both with and without

    //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this is still read committed
    //(I can find this ok too, since no command has been executed outside the transaction scope)
    result = context.MatchTypes.ToArray();

    //Executes a DBCC USEROPTIONS to print the current connection information and this is still read committed
    //THIS ONE is the one I don't expect! I expected that the islation level of my connection should revert here



Well, after some digging today I found out a bit around this that I will share findings both for others to know and to get opinions and suggestions.


There are several reasons why my issue happens dependent on the environment.


首先,操作取决于您正在运行的SQL Server版本(已在SQL Server 2012和SQL Server 2014上测试)。

First of all, the result of the operations depends on the SQL Server version you are running (tested on SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014).

SQL Server 2012

在SQL Server 2012上,即使在后续操作中连接被释放回连接池并从其他线程/操作中检索到,最后设置的隔离级别也会遵循该连接。在实践中;这意味着,如果您在某个线程/操作中将隔离级别设置为使用事务读取未提交,则连接将保留此状态,直到另一个事务作用域将其设置为另一个隔离级别为止(或通过在客户端上执行SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL命令)连接)。不好,您可能会突然不知道该怎么读。

On SQL Server 2012, the last set isolation level will follow the connection on subsequent operations even if it is released back to the connection pool and retrieved back from other threads/actions. In practice; this means that if you in some thread/action sets the isolation level to read uncommitted using a transaction, the connection will preserve this until a another transaction scope sets it to a another isolation level (or by doing a SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL command on the connection). Not good, you could suddenly get dirty reads without knowing it.


Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2).Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());

using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
                                        new TransactionOptions
                                            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted
    Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2)
                                        .Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());
    scope.Complete(); //tested both with and without

Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2).Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());


In this example, the first EF command will run with database default, the one within the transaction scope will run with ReadUncommitted, and the third one will also run with ReadUncommitted.

SQL Server 2014

另一方面,在SQL Server 2014中,每次从连接池中获取连接时,sp_reset_connection过程(无论如何看起来都是这样)将在数据库上将隔离级别设置回默认值,即使从同一事务范围内重新获得该连接。在实践中;这意味着,如果您有一个事务范围,在其中执行两个后续命令,则只有第一个命令将获得该事务范围的隔离级别。也不好;您将获得(基于数据库的默认隔离级别)锁定或快照读数。

On SQL Server 2014 on the other hand, each time a connection is acquired from the connection pool the sp_reset_connection procedure (it seems like it is this one anyway) will set the isolation level back to default on the database, EVEN if the connection is reacquired from within the same transaction scope. In practice; this means that if you have a transaction scope where you execute two subsequent commands only the first one will get the isolation level of the transaction scope. Also not good; you will get (based on the default isolation level on the database) either get a lock or snapshot readings.


Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2).Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());

using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
                                        new TransactionOptions
                                            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted
    Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2)
                             .Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());
    Console.WriteLine(context.MatchTypes.Where(mt => mt.Id == 2)
                             .Select(mt => mt.LastUpdated).First());


In this example, the first EF command will run with database default, the first one within the transaction will run with ReadUncommitted, but the second one within the scope will suddenly run as database default again.


使用手动打开的连接的其他SQL Server版本上还会发生其他问题,但是,我们严格不需要这样做,所以我不是

There is other issues that happens on the different SQL Server versions with a manually open connection, however, we strictly don't need to do this so I am not going to dwell down into this problem now.



For some reason, the Database.BeginTransaction logic of Entity Framework seems to work in both databases which is OK, but in our code we works against two different databases and then we need transaction scopes.



I find this handling of isolation level in conjunction with transaction scopes in SQL Server quite buggy after this, it is in my opinion not safe to use and could cause serious problems in any application as I see it. Be very cautious using this.


But the fact remains, we need to have this working in our code. Having dealt with the tedious support at MS lately with not that great result I will first find a workaround that works for us. I will then report my findings using Connect and hope for the best that Microsoft does some actions around the transaction scope handling and connections.



The solution (as far as I have come) is like this.

1.数据库必须必须以隔离级别进行读取提交,因为其他应用程序需要在同一数据库上运行该数据库,因此我们无法在数据库$上使用读取提交的快照默认值b $ b 2.我们的应用程序必须具有默认的SNAPSHOT隔离级别

Here is the requirements this solution will have:1. The database MUST be READ COMMITTED in isolation level due to other applications that runs against the same database that requires this, we cannot use READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT defaults on the database2. Our application MUST have a default of SNAPSHOT isolation level - This is solved by using SET TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL SNAPSHOT3. If there is a transaction scope, we need to honour the isolation level for this


So based on these criterias the solution will be like this:

在上下文构造函数中,我注册到StateChange事件,然后在其中te更改为Open,并且没有活动事务使用默认的ADO.NET将默认隔离级别设置为快照。如果使用事务作用域,则需要通过基于此处的设置运行SET TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL来兑现其设置(为了限制我们自己的代码,我们仅允许ReadCommitted,ReadUncommitted和Snapshot的IsolationLevel)。至于由Database.BeginTransaction在上下文中创建的事务,似乎应该这样做就很荣幸,因此我们对这些类型的事务不执行任何特殊操作。

In the context constructor, I register to the StateChange event where I in turn when the state is changed to Open and there is no active transaction defaults the isolation level to snapshot using classic ADO.NET. If a transaction scope is used, we need to honour the settings of this by running SET TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL based on the settings here (to limit our own code, we will only allow IsolationLevel of ReadCommitted, ReadUncommitted and Snapshot). As for transactions created by Database.BeginTransaction on the context it seems that this is honoured as it should so we don't do any special actions with these types of transactions.


public MyContext()
    Database.Connection.StateChange += OnStateChange;

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        Database.Connection.StateChange -= OnStateChange;


private void OnStateChange(object sender, StateChangeEventArgs args)
    if (args.CurrentState == ConnectionState.Open && args.OriginalState != ConnectionState.Open)
        using (var command = Database.Connection.CreateCommand())
            if (Transaction.Current == null)
                command.CommandText = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT";
                switch (Transaction.Current.IsolationLevel)
                    case IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted:
                        command.CommandText = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED";
                    case IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted:
                        command.CommandText = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED";
                    case IsolationLevel.Snapshot:
                        command.CommandText = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT";
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();


我都测试了此代码在SQL Server 2012和2014中运行,它似乎可以正常工作。它不是最好的代码,并且有其局限性(例如,对于每个EF执行,它将始终对数据库执行SET TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL,从而增加了网络流量。)

I have tested this code both in SQL Server 2012 and 2014 and it seems to work. It is not the most nice code and it has it's limitations (e.g. it will for each EF execution always do a SET TRANSACTION ISOLATIONLEVEL against the database and thus add extra network traffic.)


09-11 17:56