


I have a factory class that decides which of four available subclasses it should instantiate and return. As you would expect, all subclasses implement the same interface:

public static class FooFactory{
     public IFoo CreateFoo(FooEnum enum){
            switch (enum)
                case Foo1:
                    return new Foo1();
                case Foo2:
                    return new Foo2();
                 case Foo3:
                    return new Foo3(IBar);//has a constructor dependency on IBar
                case Foo4:
                    return new Foo4();
                    throw new Exception("invalid foo!");


As you can see, one of the subclasses has a dependency defined in its constructor.


  • 我们使用Spring.NET我们的Io​​C。

  • IFoo 的所有子类都是域对象,因此不会被Spring.NET实例化。

  • 应用程序有一个手写的数据访问层(puke),所以没有ORM在这里播放。

  • We're using Spring.NET as our IoC.
  • All subclasses of IFoo are domain objects and therefore are not being instantiated by Spring.NET. I'd like to keep things this way if at all possible.
  • The application has a hand written Data Access Layer (puke) so no ORM is in play here.

我想知道如何最好地将 IBar 依赖项传递到 Foo3 FooFactory 。我得到的感觉,这可能是一个问题最好通过IoC解决,但我不能grok如何。我也想保持 FooFactory 尽可能单元测试:ie我不想在我的测试代码中依赖于Spring.NET。

I'm trying to figure out how best to pass the IBar dependency into Foo3 from FooFactory. I get the feeling that this might be a problem best resolved via IoC but I can't quite grok how. I also want to keep FooFactory as unit testable as possible: i.e. I'd prefer not have to have dependencies on Spring.NET in my test code.



将FooFactory更改为 >并注入IBar实例到具体的实现,像这样:

Change FooFactory to an Abstract Factory and inject the IBar instance into the concrete implementation, like this:

public class FooFactory : IFooFactory {
     private readonly IBar bar;

     public FooFactory(IBar bar)
         if (bar == null)
             throw new ArgumentNullException("bar");

         this.bar = bar;

     public IFoo CreateFoo(FooEnum enum){
            switch (enum)
                case Foo1:
                    return new Foo1();
                case Foo2:
                    return new Foo2();
                 case Foo3:
                    return new Foo3(this.bar);
                case Foo4:
                    return new Foo4();
                    throw new Exception("invalid foo!");


Notice that FooFactory is now a concrete, non-static class implementing the IFooFactory interface:

public interface IFooFactory
    IFoo CreateFoo(FooEnum emum);


Everywhere in your code where you need an IFoo instance, you will then take a dependency on IFooFactory and use its CreateFoo method to create the instance you need.


You can wire up FooFactory and its dependencies using any DI Container worth its salt.


06-06 01:16