我使用的是 Visual Studio 2010 并且已经下载了 CR(Crystal Reports),但是当我在工具中搜索 Crystal Reports viewer 时,不存在,那么如何显示我已经创建的报告?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and already downloaded CR (Crystal Reports) but when I search for Crystal Reports viewerin the tool, does not exist, so how can I display my report that is already created?
CrystalReport Viewer 控件是一个.Net 程序集.默认情况下,当您创建新的 .net 4 Windows 窗体应用程序时,它使用 .net 4 Client Profile 框架,而不是标准的 .net 4 框架.在我将项目转换为标准框架后,Crystal Report Viewer 控件在 Reports 部分下可用.
The CrystalReport Viewer control is a .Net assembly. By default, when you create a new .net 4 Windows Form application, it uses the .net 4 Client Profile framework, not the standard .net 4 framework. After I converting the project to the standard framework, the Crystal Report Viewer control becomes available under the Reports section.
To view this tool you must change the build configuration of your project.
1) 在解决方案资源管理器中选择一个项目节点.
1) Select a project node in Solution Explorer.
2) 在项目菜单上,单击属性.当 Project Designer 出现时,单击 Compile 选项卡.
2) On the Project menu, click Properties. When the Project Designer appears, click the Compile tab.
3) 在编译页面的项目设计器 (Visual Basic) 中,选择配置和平台.在简化的构建配置中,不显示配置和平台列表.有关详细信息,请参阅调试和发布项目配置.
3) On the Compile Page, Project Designer (Visual Basic), select the Configuration and Platform. In simplified build configurations, the Configuration and Platform lists are not displayed. For more information, see Debug and Release Project Configurations.
4) 点击高级编译选项.
4) Click Advanced Compile Options.
5) 更改目标框架(所有配置):.NET 框架 4
5) Change Target framework (all configurations):.NET Framework 4
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