

在官方的Google Maps应用程序中,当用户旋转设备时,StreetView也会旋转.我进行了一项研究,但没有找到如何在适用于StreetView的Google Maps v2 API中启用陀螺仪功能.我可以自己实现,但是也许有这样的功能,但我还没有找到?

In the official Google Maps application when a user rotates the device, StreetView is rotated. I made a research and didn't find how to enable gyroscope functionality in Google Maps v2 API for StreetView. I can implement this by myself, but maybe there IS such functionality and I just haven't find it?



There isn't any built-in features in StreetView to enable this functionality. If you would like to do it by yourself you can check following links:

  • Set the camera orientation point of view
  • Animate the camera movements


06-15 12:37