


I have a lot of CSS that does the following:

font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

我的理解是Helvetica是Mac上默认的sans-serif字体,Arial是默认的sans- serif字体在Windows ...如果是这样,我不能只是更改上面的代码是:

It my understanding that Helvetica is the default sans-serif font on Mac and Arial is the default sans-serif font on Windows ... if that's the case, couldn't I just change the above code to be:

font-family: sans-serif;



默认字体真的取决于浏览器。例如,在Mac上的Firefox中,我使用Lucida Grande作为默认的 sans-serif 字体。我不认为我改变了,但我不完全确定。你不能真正依赖于默认的特定字体,因为用户可以在首选项中更改它们。如果你想要一个特定的字体,指定它。

The default font really depends on the browser. For example, in Firefox on Mac, I have Lucida Grande as the default sans-serif font. I don't think I changed it, but I'm not entirely sure. You can't really depend on the defaults being specific fonts, as users can change them in the preferences. If you want a specific font, specify it.


09-25 02:51