


I would like to calculate a density function of a distribution whose characteristics function is known. As a simple example take the normal distribution.

norm.char<-function(t,mu,sigma) exp((0+1i)*t*mu-0.5*sigma^2*t^2)


and then I would like to use R's fft function. but I don't get the multiplicative constants right and I have to reorder the result (take the 2nd half and then the first half of the values). I tried something like

 xmax = 5
 xmin = -5
 deltat = 2*pi/(xmax-xmin)
 deltax = (xmax-xmin)/(N-1)
 x = xmin + deltax*seq(0,N-1)
 t = deltat*seq(0,N-1)
 density = Re(fft(norm.char(t*2*pi,mu,sigma)))
 density = c(density[(N/2+1):N],density[1:(N/2)])


But this is still not correct. Does anybody know a good reference on the fft in R in the context of density calculations? Obviously the problem is the mixture of the continuous FFT and the discrete one. Can anybody recommend a procedure?Thanks



It is just cumbersome: take a pen and paper,write the integral you want to compute(the Fourier transform of the characteristic function),discretize it, and rewrite the terms so that they look likea discrete Fourier transform (the FFT assumes that the interval startsat zero).


Note that fft is an unnormalized transform: there is no 1/N factor.

characteristic_function_to_density <- function(
  phi, # characteristic function; should be vectorized
  n,   # Number of points, ideally a power of 2
  a, b # Evaluate the density on [a,b[
) {
  i <- 0:(n-1)            # Indices
  dx <- (b-a)/n           # Step size, for the density
  x <- a + i * dx         # Grid, for the density
  dt <- 2*pi / ( n * dx ) # Step size, frequency space
  c <- -n/2 * dt          # Evaluate the characteristic function on [c,d]
  d <-  n/2 * dt          # (center the interval on zero)
  t <- c + i * dt         # Grid, frequency space
  phi_t <- phi(t)
  X <- exp( -(0+1i) * i * dt * a ) * phi_t
  Y <- fft(X)
  density <- dt / (2*pi) * exp( - (0+1i) * c * x ) * Y
    i = i,
    t = t,
    characteristic_function = phi_t,
    x = x,
    density = Re(density)

d <- characteristic_function_to_density(
    exp( (0+1i)*t*mu - sigma^2/2*t^2 ),
  -3, 3
plot(d$x, d$density, las=1)
curve(dnorm(x,1,.5), add=TRUE)


09-03 15:40