本文介绍了Bootstrap 4间距错误?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Bootstrap 4具有 Spacing Utilities ,可通过简单的CSS类调整边距和填充

Bootstrap 4 has Spacing Utilities to adjust margins and paddings with simple CSS classes.


Theoretically, I could do something like this:

<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse p-5 pb-0 m-5 mb-0"></div>


And this should be an element with paddings and margins on each side except at the bottom. Right?

但是那没有发生.取而代之的是,pb-0mb-0p-5m-5覆盖,如您在此处看到的: JSFiddle中的示例.

But that isn't happening. Instead, pb-0 and mb-0 are being overwritten by p-5 and m-5, as you can see here:example in JSFiddle.


pb-0 and mb-0 are defined after p-5 and m-5 in the original source, and all of the attributes used in these classes have !important. So pb-0 should overwrite the padding-bottom defined by p-5 and mb-0 should overwrite the margin-bottom defined by m-5.


I created another example where I defined these classes in the same way, but in this case, they are working as expected: comparison example in JSFiddle.


space utils使用!important,因此使用pb-0覆盖p-5无效,因为p-5pb-0之后bootstrap.css

The spacing utils use !important so, using pb-0 to override p-5 isn't going to work because p-5 follows pb-0 in the bootstrap.css


To get it working like you want set the specific sides...

<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse pb-0 px-5 pt-5 mb-0 ml-5 mt-5"></div>

而且,由于默认情况下DIV没有填充或边距,因此您实际上并不需要*-0 ...

And, since DIV doesn't have padding or margins by default, you don't really need the *-0...

<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse px-5 pt-5 ml-5 mt-5"></div>



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08-04 03:45