

客户端具有使用自定义ContentPlaceHolder的自定义母版页.看来,此自定义控件使我们无法还原到Seattle或Oslo.将MP设置为Seattle会中断站点,直到我们添加新的自定义ContentPlaceHolder 进入母版页,出于明显的原因,我们不想这样做.

A client has a custom master page that uses a custom ContentPlaceHolder. It appears that this custom control is preventing us from reverting back to Seattle or Oslo. Setting the MP to Seattle breaks the site until we add the new custom ContentPlaceHolder to the master page, which for obvious reasons we do not want to do.

在SharePoint品牌中,如果您的母版页页面上某处没有所有默认的ContentPlaceHolders,即使被隐藏,母版页也将无法工作.在我们的案例中,似乎客户端的母版页向列表添加了(?)新的ContentPlaceHolder 必需的默认ContentPlaceHolders.

In SharePoint branding, if your master page doesn't have all default ContentPlaceHolders somewhere on the page, even if hidden, the master page won't work. It appears in our case that the client's master page added(?) a new ContentPlaceHolder to the list of required, default ContentPlaceHolders.


Is there any way we can check to see if this is the case, and if so, how do we remove it?

Brandon Murray

Brandon Murray


解决方法:使用相同的网站模板创建新的网站集,然后从新创建的网站中复制默认母版页.然后将其上传到有问题的站点,并将其设置为默认母版页.后 那,您的母版页应该可以正常工作.

A workaround: Create a new site collection with same site template, copy the default master page from the new created site. Then upload it to your problematical site and set it as a default master page. After that, your master page should work fine.


王恩(Dean Wang)


09-04 22:34