

主要基于以下思想:利用问题与其简单版本(而不是较小版本)之间的关系。 Warshall和Floyd发表了他们的算法,没有提到动态编程。尽管如此,这些算法当然具有动态编程风格,并且已被视为该技术的应用。

The Warshall-Floyd algorithm is based on essentially the idea: exploit a relationship between a problem and its simpler rather than smaller version. Warshall and Floyd published their algorithms without mentioning dynamic programming. Nevertheless, the algorithms certainly have a dynamic programming flavor and have come to be considered applications of this technique.

ALGORITHM Warshall(A[1..n, 1..n])
    //ImplementsWarshall’s algorithm for computing the transitive closure
    //Input: The adjacency matrix A of a digraph with n vertices
    //Output: The transitive closure of the digraph
    R(0) ←A
    for k←1 to n do
        for i ←1 to n do
            for j ←1 to n do
                R(k)[i, j ]←R(k−1)[i, j ] or (R(k−1)[i, k] and R(k−1)[k, j])
    return R(n)


We can speed up the above implementation of Warshall’s algorithm for some inputs by restructuring its innermost loop


My question on above text are following

  1. 作者的主意是利用问题与其简单版本而不是较小版本之间的关系。请

  1. What does author mean by idea is " exploit a relationship between a problem and its simpler rather than smaller version" Please elobaorate.


How can we improve speed as author mentioned in above implemenation.



The formulation from 1. means that the shortest path problem (which can be seen as a generalization of the transitive closure problem) has the optimal substructure property; however for this property does not exist a formal description (in the sense of a mathematical definition). The optimal substructure property is necessary for a problem to be amenable to dynamic programming.


06-05 19:11