为什么在这两种情况下,PuTTY 中 tmux 的分割线显示不同(xxxxx,qqqqqq)?如果我不设置 PuTTY 任何东西(默认的使用字体编码"),窗格的分割线显示如下:
Why the split line of tmux within PuTTY shows different(xxxxx, qqqqqq)in these tow cases?If I do not set PuTTY any thing(the default "Use font encoding"), the split line of pane shows like following:
但是它不能正确显示中文单词,所以我设置了PuTTY's Window -> Translation -> Remote character set 为UTF-8.然后窗格的分割线变成这样:
But it can't show Chinese word correctly, so I set PuTTY's Window -> Translation -> Remote character set to UTF-8. Then the split line of pane become to like that:
使用xxx qqqq"看起来很丑.
Using "xxx qqqq" seems very ugly.
顺便说一句:echo $LANG 显示zh_CN.UTF-8"
BTW: echo $LANG shows "zh_CN.UTF-8"
So, in this case, How to show Chinese word correctly with the first split line?
我在使用 Putty 时遇到了同样的问题,字符集设置为 UTF-8.
I had the same problem with Putty with character set set to UTF-8.
使用 -u 选项启动 tmux 就成功了 (tmux -u
Launching tmux with -u option did the trick (tmux -u