


I'm creating a video player with HTML5 and Javascript and I'm wondering if anyone has solved the challenge of creating dynamic thumbnails.


Mimicking youtube video player where you hover over progress bar and a popup shows with a thumbnail. I know that youtube saves out an image and repositions the sprite in the thumbnail viewer frame based on position hovered over.


Is this viable to do with JS and canvas?


What I'm doing now is... hovering over my progress bar creates a copy of the video element. I then set the currentTime on the copied element. I then grab a snapshot using canvas. I'm not sure why, but the images seem to be blank.


Maybe someone has run into this problem?


YouTube有预先绘制的拇指,这些拇指存储在具有十列的网格中的单个图像中,并且需要多少行。我看到的thum图像是低质量jpg 800像素,整个拇指80像素×? (取决于方面)当用户将拇指悬停在最接近该时间的位置时。

YouTube have pre rendered thumbs that are stored in a single image in a grid with ten columns and how ever many rows are needed. The thum images I have seen are low quality jpg 800 pixels across giving thumbs 80 pixels by ?? (depending on aspect) When the user hovers the thumb closest to the that time is displayed.

在客户端创建大拇指是有问题的,因为视频并非完全随机访问。寻求随机位置涉及将视频移至最近的上一个关键帧,然后解码所有帧,直到到达所需的帧为止。根据格式,编码选项,关键帧的间距(如果有滚动眼睛)以及搜索位置已加载的情况,搜索某个位置可能会非常慢。为视频获得一些经验可能会花费很长时间。 HTML5视频API的另一个问题是,它只有一个播放通道,因此,在寻找拇指时,您将无法观看视频。

Creating the thumbs at the client side will be problematic because video are not entirely random access. Seeking to a random location involves the video moving to the nearest previous keyframe and then decoding all frames till it gets to the frame you have requested. Depending on the format, encoding options, the spacing of key frames (if any rolling eyes), and if the seek location has been loaded, seeking to some location can be very slow. Getting a set of thumbs for a video can take a long time. The additional problem with the HTML5 video API is that it has only one playback channel, so while you are seeking for thumbs you can not watch the video.



    // snap shot code here


But this does not always work I have found. So it pays to listen to all the appropriate events, and only seek when the video is ready. Here is a list of media events that will help.


As videos don't change your best bet is to create the thumbs on your server after the video has been uploaded. Low quality jpgs seem to be the go and will be loaded by the client much sooner than even a fraction of the video has been.


08-12 07:51