"并非所有流都支持搜索.对于那些不支持的人寻找,从当前位置向前寻找是由读取和丢弃数据;其他形式的搜索将失败.""Not all streams support seeking. For those that do not supportseeking, forward seeking from the current position is accomplished byreading and discarding data; other forms of seeking will fail." HTTP是不支持搜索的流之一.这正是您的错误消息指出的内容,stream [HTTP] does not support seeking.将您的数据库视为本地数据库,并删除该URL,它应该可以工作.HTTP is one of those streams that don't support seeking. That's exactly what your error message states, stream [HTTP] does not support seeking. Treat your database as local and get rid of the URL and it should work. 这篇关于MaxMind GeoIP API:fseek()[function.fseek]:流不支持在geoip.inc中进行查找的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
06-05 16:18