


Adding CDN to private blob storage account — does this make all my files publicly accessible even without SAS for a period of time? Confused by documentation wording, really only want custom domain with HTTPS not interested in caching.


I want to access my blobs at https://myprettylittleblob.blob.core.windows.net using my custom domain https://myprettylittleblob.mycompany.com 


I am following this documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-https-custom-domain-cdn


In this other related documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-storage-custom-domain-https

我对这一行感到困惑,"Azure CDN忽略了添加到SAS令牌的任何限制.例如,所有SAS令牌都有一个过期时间,这意味着在过期内容从CDN存在点清除之前,仍可以使用过期的SAS访问内容. (POP)服务器."

I'm confused by this line "Azure CDN ignores any restrictions added to the SAS token. For example, all SAS tokens have an expiration time, which means that content can still be accessed with an expired SAS until that content is purged from the CDN point-of-presence (POP) servers."


Is this saying that once my protected file is access using a SAS token over the CDN, it is available to anyone for 1 hour (or whatever I set) until it is purged? Or does it still need the SAS token to access the now cached file?



Your content will not be publically accessible, but someone who already has valid URL might be able to access something for longer than intended if it is still cached by the CDN. You can manually stop this by purging the content from the POP servers.


11-03 14:38