

我想为内置组件创建自定义渲染器:<h:selectOneRadio />我想知道,如何确定内置组件的渲染器,以便创建自己的组件并从中扩展?

I want to create a customized renderer for a built-in component: <h:selectOneRadio />I would like to know, how do I determine the renderer for a built-in component in order to create my own one and extend from it?

我想知道一种获取它的机制,因此我可以将其应用于确定任何其他内置组件的渲染器,而不仅仅是确定<h:selectOneRadio />的渲染器.

I would like to know a mechanism to get it so I could apply it to determine the renderer for any other built-in component and not just for <h:selectOneRadio />.



标准JSF组件的呈现器类特定于实现(Mojarra和MyFaces各自具有自己的实现),并在特定于实现的情况下注册为<renderer> faces-config.xml(或它的工件).

The renderer class of a standard JSF component is implementation specific (Mojarra and MyFaces have each its own implementation) and is registered as <renderer> in the implementation-specific faces-config.xml (or an artifact of it).


To find it out, you basically need to know the component family and renderer type first, so that you can lookup the renderer class in the implementation-specific faces-config.xml file youself.

您的起点是 javax.faces.component.html包裹摘要. <h:selectOneRadio> 组件类. 其Javadoc 的介绍性文本说:

Your starting point is the javax.faces.component.html package summary. The <h:selectOneRadio> is represented by the HtmlSelectOneRadio component class. The introductory text of its javadoc says:


在.单击以访问常量字段值" :

The component family is specified as COMPONENT_FAMILY constant under "Fields inherited from UISelectOne" section of the very same javadoc. Click through to "Constant field values":



Now, we should look in the implementation-specific faces-config.xml file (or an artifact of it). Its location/name is unfortunately nowhere documented, but I can tell that in case of Mojarra it is the com/sun/faces/jsf-ri-runtime.xml file in the implementation JAR file (you can extract JAR files with a zip tool). Open it and look for a <renderer> entry matching the component family javax.faces.SelectOne and renderer type javax.faces.Radio:


最后是它: com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.RadioRenderer .

Finally there is it: the com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.RadioRenderer.


Please note that extending exactly that class tight couples your custom renderer to the specific JSF implementation. Your renderer would not be reuseable on a different implementation such as MyFaces. To be implementation independent, you'd need to write the entire renderer yourself which extends javax.faces.renderer.Renderer.

  • How to findout component-family and renderer-type of a JSF component
  • What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type?


08-21 02:33