



I want to display an Image in a JLabel by drawing a BufferedImage on it.


The x/yOffset is to draw a smaller image in the middel of the JLabel.


If I run the code in my IDE it works fine and displays the image on my JFrame.


If I now build the Class into a jar file it does not work anymore.


I tried it with setting the Image as an icon for the JLabel without using BufferedImage but thats not what I want to do.


Here is the Code of my Image Class:

public class ImageHQ extends JLabel {

BufferedImage img;

int xOffset=0;
int yOffset=0;

public ImageHQ(String path, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
    try {
        try {
            img = ImageIO.read(new File(getClass().getResource(path).toURI()));
        } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(ImageHQ.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ImageHQ.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    this.xOffset = xOffset;
    this.yOffset = yOffset;


protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;

    g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    g.drawImage(img, 0+xOffset, 0+yOffset, null);


public void errorMsg(String msg) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "Fehler", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);



PS: The errorMsg method also does not give me an error.



new File(getClass().getResource(path).toURI())

不能 将应用程序资源保证为单独的文件. .jar条目只是压缩存档的一部分.它不是硬盘驱动器上的单独文件.这就是为什么您不能使用File来读取它的原因.

An application resource is not guaranteed to be a separate file. A .jar entry is just part of a compressed archive. It’s not a separate file on the hard drive. That is why you cannot use File to read it.

读取资源的正确方法是完全不尝试将其转换为文件. getResource返回一个URL;您可以将该URL直接传递给采用URL的ImageIO.read方法:

The correct way to read a resource is by not attempting to convert it to a file at all. getResource returns a URL; you can just pass that URL directly to the ImageIO.read method that takes a URL:

img = ImageIO.read(ImageHQ.class.getResource(path));


Note the use of a class literal, ImageHQ.class, instead of getClass(). This guarantees that your resource is read relative to your own class, and not a subclass which might be in a different package or different module.

通常来说,有时URL不够用.您还可以使用 getResourceAsStream 来获取从资源读取的开放InputStream.就您而言,您可以这样做:

Generally speaking, there may be cases where a URL isn’t sufficient. You can also use getResourceAsStream to obtain an open InputStream that reads from the resource. In your case, you could do:

try (InputStream stream = ImageHQ.class.getResource(path)) {
    img = ImageIO.read(stream);


But this would be sub-optimal, since a URL can provide information that an InputStream cannot, like a file name, content type, and advance knowledge of the image data length.


The String argument you pass to getResource and getResourceAsStream is not actually a file name. It’s the path portion of a relative URL. This means an argument that starts with, say, C:\ will always fail.

由于参数是URL,因此在所有平台上,它始终使用正斜杠(/)分隔路径组件.通常,它是通过调用getResource *方法的类对象的包来解析的;因此,如果ImageHQ位于com.example软件包中,则此代码:

Because the argument is a URL, it always uses forward slashes (/) to separate path components, on all platforms. Normally, it is resolved against the package of the class object whose getResource* method is called; so, if ImageHQ were in the com.example package, this code:



would look for com/example/logo.png in the .jar file.


You can optionally start the String argument with a slash, which will force it to be relative to the root of the .jar file. The above could be written as:


ClassLoader中也有getResource *方法,但不应使用这些方法.始终改用Class.getResource或Class.getResourceAsStream. ClassLoader方法在Java 8和更早的版本中在功能上相似,但是从Java 9开始,Class.getResource在模块化程序中更安全,因为它不会与模块封装冲突. (ClassLoader.getResource在其String参数的开头不允许/,并且始终假定该参数相对于.jar文件的根.)

There are also getResource* methods in ClassLoader, but those should not be used. Always use Class.getResource or Class.getResourceAsStream instead. The ClassLoader methods are functionally similar in Java 8 and earlier, but as of Java 9, Class.getResource is safer in modular programs because it won’t run afoul of module encapsulation. (ClassLoader.getResource does not allow / at the start of its String argument, and always assumes the argument is relative to the root of a .jar file.)

如果path参数没有命名.jar文件中实际存在的资源(或者如果该资源位于不允许读取的模块中),则所有getResource *方法都将返回null. NullPointerException或IllegalArgumentException是这种情况的常见症状.例如,如果没有logo.png与.jar文件中的ImageHQ类位于同一包中,则getResource将返回null,并将该null传递给ImageIO.read将导致IllegalArgumentException,如ImageIO.read文档中所述.

All getResource* methods will return null if the path argument does not name a resource that actually exists in the .jar file (or if the resource is in a module that doesn’t allow it to be read). A NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException is a common symptom of this. For instance, if no logo.png was in the same package as the ImageHQ class in the .jar file, getResource would return null, and passing that null to ImageIO.read would result in an IllegalArgumentException, as stated in the ImageIO.read documentation.


If this occurs, you can troubleshoot the .jar file by listing its contents. There are a number of ways to do this:

  • 每个IDE的文件浏览器或文件树都可以检查.jar文件的内容.
  • 如果您的JDK位于外壳程序的路径中,则只需执行jar tf /path/to/myapplication.jar.
  • 在Unix和Linux中,unzip -v /path/to/myapplication.jar也将起作用,因为.jar文件实际上是具有一些Java特定条目的zip文件.
  • 在Windows中,您可以复制.jar文件,将副本的扩展名更改为.zip,然后使用任何zip工具(包括Windows文件浏览器)将其打开.
  • Every IDE’s file explorer or file tree can examine the contents of a .jar file.
  • If your JDK is in your shell’s Path, you can simply do jar tf /path/to/myapplication.jar.
  • In Unix and Linux, unzip -v /path/to/myapplication.jar will also work, since a .jar file is actually a zip file with a few Java-specific entries.
  • In Windows, you can make a copy of the .jar file, change the copy’s extension to .zip, and open it with any zip tool, including the Windows file explorer.


Going back to the example, if your class were in the com.example package and your code were doing ImageHQ.class.getResource("logo.png"), you would check the contents of the .jar file for a com/example/logo.png entry. If it’s not there, the getResource method will return null.


Replace ex.getMessage() with ex.toString(). It is often the case that an exception’s message is meaningless by itself. You should also add ex.printStackTrace(); to each catch block (or add a logging statement that records the stack trace), so you’ll know exactly where the problem occurred.


Never call repaint() from a paintComponent method. This creates an infinite loop, because repaint() will force the Swing painting system to call paintComponent again.



09-06 15:23