


I have a regex that is doing a positive lookahead. The positive lookahead relies on "cfu/ml" being present in the string but doesn not include it in the result.



前字符串:"100,000,000 x 85 x 9345 cfu/ml"

Ex string: "100,000,000 x 85 x 9345 cfu/ml"

匹配1:"100,000,000 x 85 x 9345"

Match1: "100,000,000 x 85 x 9345"


That's working just fine, but trying to match anything after that positive lookahead is not working. What I'm trying to do is add another result capture group after the positive look ahead like so.


前字符串:"100,000,000 x 85 x 9345 cfu/ml等"

Ex string: "100,000,000 x 85 x 9345 cfu/ml blah"

匹配1:"100,000,000 x 85 x 9345"

Match1: "100,000,000 x 85 x 9345"


Match2: "blah"


Seems like nothing after the positive look ahead works, anyone know how I can fix this?


冒号是零宽度 -它们不匹配任何字符,只是断言某些条件在那时是正确的在字符串中.因此,如果先行匹配,那么后面的字符将是CFU / ML或您要先行匹配的其他任何字符.

Lookaheads are zero-width -- they don't match any characters, they just assert that certain conditions are true at that point in the string. So if the lookahead matches, then the characters after it will be CFU / ML or whatever else your lookahead would match.


You want to ignore those characters, though -- which means not just asserting they exist, but actually consuming them so they don't become part of a match group. For example, you might make your lookahead be a non-capturing group instead. The full matched string will still have those extra chars in it, but the capture groups won't include them.


08-03 17:55