

我用 ActionMode 来选择在网格中的项目。问题是,我无法辨认是否被点击完全完成按钮。唯一我能是知道 ActionMode 结束。但是,pressing 返回完成了 ActionMode 太。期望的行为是接受的选择上完成点击,并退出 ActionMode 返回 preSS。

I use ActionMode to select items in a grid. The problem is that I cannot recognize whether exactly the Done button is clicked. The only I can is to know that ActionMode is finished. But pressing Back finishes the ActionMode too.The desired behavior is to accept selection on Done click, and exit ActionMode on Back press.

我试图用 ActionMode.setCustomView(),但它不影响完成按钮。该 Activity.onBack pressed()时ActionMode开始不叫。

I tried to use ActionMode.setCustomView() but it doesn't affect the Done button. The Activity.onBackPressed() is not called when ActionMode is started.


The one solution I've found is to use ActionBarSherlock and get the Done button manually:

View closeButton = findViewById(R.id.abs__action_mode_close_button);

但它工作在Android 2.X只-3.x的,因为4.xa本地操作栏被使用。

But it works on Android 2.x-3.x only, because on 4.x a native action bar is used.



Please don't do that as it's implementation specific and extremely non-standard.

您可以使用 onDestroyActionMode 回调时的操作模式被驳回。

You can use the onDestroyActionMode callback for when an action mode is dismissed.


06-05 11:51