


In many leading DDD projects, especially MVC style, I see the UI using display objects that mirror domain entities, rather than using those domain objects directly. This style is obviously for decoupling and separation of concerns, and I personally prefer this style.


But what I'm not sure of, is whether this a strict tenet of DDD, or whether this is more just different developers' interpretation of it.


Can you use your domain objects directly in the UI, and still be following the DDD methodology in that act?


Or is it a DDD best practice to always use display objects?


Note: While I mention MVC, I'm really interested in whether display objects must be used in almost all DDD compatible UI patterns in a DDD project.



DDD is a way of thinking while designing a software that starts with modelling the domain. As the webpage puts it:

自然而然地遵循此设计模式的一件事是分层体系结构.如 DDD模式摘要

One thing that follows naturally out of this design pattern is a layered architecture. As it is said in DDD Pattern Summaries


Whether you need to have display objects to do that? That is just one way of implementing this, but might not even be the best to provide loose coupling. As for an example: maybe the view layer is but a webbrowser and xlt files to visualize xml files emmitted by the business layer? If anybody has more fitting examples, please add them. My point is that DDD stresses a layered architecture, but does not limit this to one possible solution.


09-24 21:44