


I tried looking for the answer but didn't find it.

我在 XCode4 中不小心删除了我的故事板.无论如何我可以找回它吗?我在垃圾桶里看了看,里面什么也没有.

I accidentally deleted my storyboard in XCode4. Is there anyway that I can retrieve it? I looked in the trash can but there was nothing there.


更新:尽管我删除了故事板,但我注意到编译器仍然编译并运行程序,并且具有所有相同的 UIButton 和 UILabel,并且具有正确的大小、文本标签和定位.一切就好像它从未被删除过一样!我猜信息还在某处!有谁知道 xcode 中是否保存了一个副本,我可以用它来重新创建故事板文件?

UPDATE: Even though I deleted the storyboard, I've noticed that the compiler still compiles and runs the program and has all the same UIButtons and UILabels with the correct sizes, text labels, and positioning. All as if it never was deleted! Im guessing that the information is still there somewhere! does anyone know if there is perhaps a copy saved within xcode somewhere that i can used to recreate the storyboard file?


如果您真的删除了文件(检查文件系统,而不仅仅是在 XCode 中,请参阅下面 Liam 的答案以获取位置)并且它不在垃圾箱中,(afaik)实际上只有两种选择;

If you really deleted the file (check in the file system, not just in XCode, see Liam's answer below for the location) and it's not in the trash, there are (afaik) really only two options;

  • TimeMachine,如果你有它运行可能有一个很好的副本.
  • 取消删除实用程序,例如 Disk DrillMacKeeper


When undeleting, the more you use your disk after deleting a file, the less chance of recovery, so if you're really serious, you should install the program on another Mac and move the disk to that for recovery so that you won't overwrite anything.


08-19 08:46