


I recently searched the web for multi-cursor solutions and found a bunch of possibilities to emulate cursors in a given window, like MultiPoint SDK, but no solutions where one can use multiple cursors on the whole desktop (and thus not restricted to one application).


I almost gave up, thinking the Windows architecture makes it impossible, but then I found MultiMouse, stating in this video on YouTube, it would at least make it possible to use different cursors for different users over the whole desktop. If that is true, it follows that one could emulate multiple users and thereby making a multiple cursors solution possible.


  • 有人在这里使用Multimouse,是否真的如上所述工作?

  • 如何工作,有人可以使用windows api,或需要重新配置Windows以执行此操作?

  • 有关如何在Windows 7上绘制和命令多个游标的任何想法吗?问题是,只有一个鼠标指针。有人可以改变,或者什么是远程应用程序做什么?

  • 我可以自由地使用任何互操作技术,无论它们有多脏,因为它足够了如果我的应用程序只在Windows 7上运行。有人知道可以提供这样的功能的Windows库吗?很遗憾,windows api文档记录不良。

  • Does someone here use Multimouse and is it really working as described?
  • How does it work, can someone use the windows api, or needs to reconfigure Windows to do so?
  • Have you any ideas on how to draw and command multiple cursors on Windows 7? Problem is, there is only one mouse pointer. Can someone change that, or what are remote applications doing? I mean, it would suffice to just show the cursors (globally) and control them automatically.
  • I'm free to use any interop techniques, no matter how dirty they are, since it suffices if my app runs only on Windows 7. Does someone know windows libraries which could provide such functionality? Sadly, the windows api is poorly documented.


In the following I will explain how windows messages partially work, but why they don't do in general. First, we take a flash client as an example, that is a handle with a child, and it's child is a flash object. Whenever a click is performed anywhere at the flash area, the following windows messages show up:

< 000002> 00100354 R WM_PARENTNOTIFY

<000002> 00100354 R WM_PARENTNOTIFY

< 000003 > 001B09D6 S WM_MOUSEACTIVATE hwndTopLevel:00100354 nHittest:HTCLIENT uMsg:WM_LBUTTONDOWN

<000003> 001B09D6 S WM_MOUSEACTIVATE hwndTopLevel:00100354 nHittest:HTCLIENT uMsg:WM_LBUTTONDOWN

< 000004> 00100354 S WM_MOUSEACTIVATE hwndTopLevel:00100354 nHittest:HTCLIENT uMsg:WM_LBUTTONDOWN

<000004> 00100354 S WM_MOUSEACTIVATE hwndTopLevel:00100354 nHittest:HTCLIENT uMsg:WM_LBUTTONDOWN

< 000005> 00100354 R WM_MOUSEACTIVATE fuActivate:MA_ACTIVATE

<000005> 00100354 R WM_MOUSEACTIVATE fuActivate:MA_ACTIVATE

< 000006> 001B09D6 R WM_MOUSEACTIVATE fuActivate:MA_ACTIVATE

<000006> 001B09D6 R WM_MOUSEACTIVATE fuActivate:MA_ACTIVATE

< 000007> 001B09D6 P WM_LBUTTONDOWN fwKeys:MK_LBUTTON xPos:[x] yPos:[y]

<000007> 001B09D6 P WM_LBUTTONDOWN fwKeys:MK_LBUTTON xPos:[x] yPos:[y]

< 000008> 001B09D6 P WM_LBUTTONUP fwKeys:0000 xPos:[x] yPos:[y]

<000008> 001B09D6 P WM_LBUTTONUP fwKeys:0000 xPos:[x] yPos:[y]

在此示例中,00100354是父项,001B09D6是子项flash对象)。所以它发生,父母告诉孩子点击某个位置([x],[y])。但是使用Windows消息的伪造点击解决方案永远不能知道它必须点击哪个句柄。如果点击或通知仅发送到00100354,则不会发生任何操作。我们试图完成的是消息< 000007>和< 000008> ;,但是我们不能,除非通过向前台句柄的所有后代发送消息,包括前台句柄本身。但这也可能导致我们不想要的点击。我们不能执行命中测试,因为目标应用程序可能具有例如。在目标句柄前面的透明句柄。注意,如果子句柄不位于其父对象的(0,0),则还需要计算新的相对坐标。

In this example 00100354 is the parent and 001B09D6 is the child (flash object). So it happens, that the parent tells the child to click at a certain position ([x],[y]). But a faking click solution working with windows messages could never know which handle it has to click. If the clicks or notifications are only sent to 00100354, nothing happens. What we are trying to accomplish are the messages <000007> and <000008>, but we can't, except by spamming messages to all descendants of the foreground handle, including the foreground handle itself. But this could also lead to clicks we don't want. We cannot perform a hit test since the target application may have e.g. transparent handles in front of the target handle. Note that one also needs to calculate new relative coordinates if a child handle is not positioned at (0,0) of its parent.


To realize communication as shown above, one can use Win32 calls, like this:

[DllImport("User32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, WM Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, WM Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);


public static IntPtr ToWMCoords(Point pt)
    return (IntPtr)(((uint)pt.Y << 16) | (ushort)pt.X);


 foreach (Point pt in coordinates)
      Console.Write("Message-Clicking at " + pt + "\n");
      IntPtr mousePos = ToWMCoords(pt);

      //# Get flash handle
      //## Variation, assuming the client has always only 1 child with class name "MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX"
      IntPtr flashHwnd = Interop.GetChildWindows(hwnd).Where(x => Interop.GetClassNameOfHandle(x) == "MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX").Single();

      //# Simulating a click
      //*1: Messages getting to handle of class "#32770 (Dialog)"
      //*2: Messages getting to handle of class  "MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX"

      Interop.User32.SendMessage(hwnd, Interop.WM.PARENTNOTIFY, (IntPtr)0x201, mousePos);//*1
      Interop.User32.SendMessage(flashHwnd, Interop.WM.MOUSEACTIVATE, hWnd, (IntPtr)0x2010001);//*2
      Interop.User32.SendMessage(hwnd, Interop.WM.MOUSEACTIVATE, hWnd, (IntPtr)0x2010001);//*1
      bool lBtnDown = Interop.User32.PostMessage(flashHwnd, Interop.WM.LBUTTONDOWN, (IntPtr)Interop.MK.LBUTTON, mousePos);//*2
      bool lBtnUp = Interop.User32.PostMessage(flashHwnd, Interop.WM.LBUTTONUP, IntPtr.Zero, mousePos);//*2
      Console.Write("WM_LBUTTONDOWN " + (lBtnDown ? "success" : "fail") + ", WM_LBUTTONUP " + (lBtnDown ? "success" : "fail") + "\n");


In summary, faking mouse input using windows messages appears to be improperly or impossible, depending on the target application.


如果你正在寻找一个解决方案有一个类似指针的对象在桌面上移动,我可能会想到一个解决方案,但是我想警告你,这应该是你的最后一个选择。这是真的肮脏和不明智。 (我是一个真正的初学者,我做了这样的事情,我再也不会这样做了。)

If you are looking for a solution to have a pointer-like object that is moved around on the desktop, I might have an idea for a "dirty" solution, but I wish to warn you that this should be your last choice. It is real dirty and ill-advised. (I did something like this when I was a real beginner and I would never do it again.)



You might create a topmost little form which is mouse pointer-shaped. It then can be programmatically moved around the screen. The clicks/doubleclicks/hovering can be emulated through accessibility or through windows messages (both solutions have their own caveeats, so choose wisely).


Accessibility provides a somewhat standardized way to access forms and controls, and would be the recommended solution but there is a problem: Not all windows programs support accessibility (especially older software and games), so some of them will not respond to the fake pointer.


Windows messages are the unmanaged Win32 way to go if you want something like that. In that case you can send mouse messages (WM_CAPTURECHANGED WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK WM_LBUTTONDOWN WM_LBUTTONUP WM_MBUTTONDOWN WM_MBUTTONUP WM_MOUSEMOVE WM_MOUSEWHEEL WM_RBUTTONDOWN WM_RBUTTONUP) to the form under your fake cursor. This solution has the caveeat, that you have to invoke the non-managed postmessage API.


Whatever solution form the above listed you are using be prepared that some programs manage the cursor directly, so some software will act weird.


07-23 01:28